This article on Astro’s Playroom was published alongside the PlayStation 5 launch in November 2020.
Sony’s PlayStation 5 finally launched for the ‘rest of the world’ last week to great anticipation and record sales. Whether you were lucky enough to beat the scalpers or not, you will have no doubt heard about the revolutionary new DualSense controller that comes bundled with the console. After our first weekend with the PS5, we felt it was the highlight of Sony’s next-gen package and a gigantic leap forward for video game controllers. And it’s fair to say, no game demonstrates the glory of the DualSense better than the wonderful (and free!) Astro’s Playroom.
How is Astro’s Playroom like Wii Sports?
Cast your mind back fourteen years to Christmas 2006. The Nintendo Wii was the must have game console. It didn’t boast a particularly impressive line up of games. Its graphics weren’t all that remarkable. And it didn’t even output in HD. Yet for some reason, kids and adults alike were going mad for it. So, what made it the best-selling console of the seventh generation? The answer – its amazing new motion controller, dubbed the Wii Remote (or Wiimote) and the unforgettable Wii Sports. Together, the two were an incredibly impressive showcase for a type of casual gaming the world had never seen before.

Like Astro’s Playroom, Wii Sports was included with the console. For many, it will have been one of the only games (likely alongside the popular Wii Fit) that many Wii owners ever owned. And that was because there was no other game that made use of the Wiimote quite like Wii Sports did. Seeing it for the first time at a friend’s house, I still remember being amazed by the intuitive accuracy of the remote when swinging it in tennis. Grouped with the catchy music, cute and simplistic design, and customisable Miis for each player, Wii Sports was something 12-year-old me needed right away. It’s safe to say that game alone sold me on the whole console.
Astro’s Playroom sets the benchmark
Just as Wii Sports was the killer app for the Wii, Astro’s Playroom sets the benchmark for all games that follow it on the PS5. For many, it will be the first game they pick up when they get their new console. And if they don’t have one yet, it’ll likely be the go-to game for people showcasing the PS5 to friends. Just thirty seconds with the DualSense in Astro’s Playroom is enough to experience how big of a step forward we are taking from the DualShock 4. From the precise haptic feedback to the satisfying adaptive triggers, every element of the new controller is utilised to maximum effect. It is a real achievement.

Not only does Astro’s Playroom make great use of the new tech, but it’s also genuinely delightful to boot. The first thing you’ll notice is the beautiful use of catchy sound. As you explore CPU Plaza, Astro’s wonderfully created hub that mimics the inside of a PS5, you get a sense of childlike wonder. A new console is an exciting thing – and the game lets you revel in it. Not only that, but the Plaza’s resident Astro Bots are charming and cute, too. Think robotic Sack Boy. The whole thing is feel-good, easy-going entertainment – just as Wii Sports was all those years ago.
Fun from SSD Speedway to GPU Jungle
The game is split into four primary levels, each purpose built to showcase different elements of the DualSense controller: GPU Jungle, Cooling Springs, SSD Speedway, and Memory Meadow. It’s a similar take to Wii Sports, which included tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing as five different modes to demonstrate the versatility of the revolutionary Wiimote. Once you jump into one of Astro’s levels, the artistic style and creativity immediately grabs your attention. It’s a gorgeous game and is difficult not to fall in love with. It’s certainly more of a ‘typical’ video game than Wii Sports and, thanks to the graphical prowess of the PS5 and excellent artistic direction, it’s nicer to look at, too. The level variety, enticing music and pure fun that it presents make it one of the hallmarks of the new console.

Astro’s Playroom showcases true innovation
Just as Wii Sports did back in the noughties, Astro’s Playroom effectively showcases the very latest in gaming innovation. The DualSense is truly a massive achievement and promises a more immersive future with the PS5. Anyone who doubts its potential only needs to take one spin with Astro to feel its potential. However, as great as it is, I sincerely hope that Astro’s Playroom isn’t as good as it gets. Wii Sports set a benchmark that was never surpassed, and it led to many Wii consoles sitting gathering dust after the initial buzz died down. With that said, Astro’s Playroom isn’t one to sleep on. It’s great fun and offers an exciting glimpse into the future of gaming on the PS5. It might just be the ace in the hole for Sony in these early days.
Do you think Astro’s Playroom is a game changer for Sony? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…