House of the Dragon‘s first season is certainly making up for the disappointment of Game of Thrones‘ final outing. It’s packed full of interesting characters and intriguing plot lines. And one new plot line in particular has left fans scratching their heads. Many are wondering who is the father of Rhaenyra Targaryen’s sons?
Episode six “The Princess and the Queen” jumps ahead 10 years following the previous episode “We Light the Way”.
The focus of the show’s plot is still very much on King Viserys’ successor. Rhaenyra remains his heir and is still married to Laenor Velaryon. However, the political situation at King’s Landing has deteriorated.
Rhaenyra’s relationship with Queen Alicent is severely strained. This is immediately clear when the Queen demands to see Rhaenyra’s baby moments after she has given birth.
Alicent inspects the child’s appearance and suggests he and his brothers don’t resemble their father.

Laenor names the baby Joffrey after Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, his deceased lover who was murdered by Ser Criston Cole at the end of the previous episode.
The marriage between Rhaenyra and Laenor was, after all, a political arrangement. The pair had no romantic interest in each other and it was established that Laenor is gay.
Soon after baby Joffrey’s birth, we are introduced to Rhaenyra’s other sons Jacaerys and Lucerys. Oddly, another man – Ser Harwin Strong – appears more interested in the children than Laenor.
Couple that with the suggestions from other characters, this will no doubt leave viewers asking who is the father of Rhaenyra Targaryen’s sons in House of the Dragon?
Who Is The Father Of Rhaenyra Targaryen’s Sons in House of the Dragon?
By the end of episode six, there’s little doubt who the true biological father of Rhaenyra’s children is. And it appears this issue will be a key part of the series going forward.
Who is the father of Rhaenyra Targaryen’s sons in House of the Dragon? The father of Rhaenyra Targaryen’s sons is Harwin Strong. While this isn’t explicitly confirmed, it is strongly implied throughout episode six and discussed by numerous characters.
Ser Harwin Strong is Lord Commander of the City Watch. He is the son of Lyonel Strong (Hand of the King) and older brother of Larys Strong.

Following a fight with Criston Cole, Harwin is sent to Harrenhal to assume his duties there as heir. Harwin bids Rhaenyra’s children a heartfelt farewell, suggesting he is their father.
Harwin’s goodbye also prompts Jacaerys to question if Harwin is, in fact, his father.
Lyonel attempts to resign as Hand of the King, however Viserys declines. He is permitted to make a brief return to Harrenhal with Harwin instead.
The two are suspiciously murdered in a fire soon after as part of a deadly plot set in motion by Larys Strong.
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