Reacher is back for its second season. After a fun (if somewhat overlooked) first outing, Alan Ritchson returns as the eponymous main character. This time round, Reacher joins up with former members of his now-closed military police unit to investigate the suspicious death of their colleague Calvin Franz. Things quickly descend into a shady web of corporate conspiracy and a whole host of new characters are introduced. One of these is Marlo Burns – but who is she?
While Reacher is known largely for its awesome action sequences, its presentation of winding and multi-layered conspiracies is surprisingly complex. This can make it tough to follow at times, so it’s easy to lose track of who’s who and all the different names being thrown around.
Much of the focus of season 2 is on the company New Age Technologies, which is somehow tied to Franz’s murder. In episode 4 “A Night at the Symphony”, Neagley and Dixon are seen visiting the home of a character called Marlo Burns.
Marlo and her daughter have apparently fled the residence and a large amount of money is discovered to have been left behind. But if you weren’t watching closely in previous episodes, you may be confused about who Marlo Burns is and why the team were at her home.
Who is Marlo Burns?
Marlo Burns is the Director of Operations at New Age Technologies. Earlier in season 2, she greeted Dixon and Neagley at the company’s offices and provided them with the address of Trevor Saropian.
Saropian was the man trying to kill Reacher’s unit. Marlo informs Dixon and Neagley that Saropian had previously visited New Age for an unsuccessful job interview. The company kept his résumé on file and Burns was able to provide Dixon and Neagley with Saropian’s address.

When Reacher’s unit visited the address, an ambush was waiting. Reacher – having suspected the ambush – used a pipe bomb to get the jump on the people waiting to attack them. After killing them all, Reacher noticed a car parked across the street.
He chased it down and apprehended the driver. It is revealed to be an ordinary-looking man named Brian Collins who works for New Age. Due to the stress of the situation, Collins dies from a heart attack before he can provide Reacher with any useful information.
In episode 4, Dixon and Neagley go to the address of Marlo Burns but she is nowhere to be found and clearly left in a hurry. As of the end of the episode, it has not yet been revealed where Burns is or what happened to her.
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