Call of Duty: Warzone is one of the most popular games in the world – but that doesn’t mean it’s immune from criticism. Rightly or wrongly, players are constantly finding new things to complain about in the game. And now, “stacking” in Warzone has become the subject of significant criticism online.
Warzone currently offers four different standard battle royale modes: Solos, Duos, Trios and Quads. As the names suggest, each mode has a set number of players per team. Solos mode is intended for players who are jumping into Warzone by themselves – this way they won’t be outnumbered in gunfights. Duos, Trios and Quads, on the other hand, are designed for teams.
Many players have been taking to playing what’s called “Solo-Quads”. This is when a solo player enters a game of Quads (either on their own or with a team that they promptly abandon) in an effort to show off their skills and wipe a whole team by themselves.
As you’d imagine, a lot of these players are finding playing Quads as a solo harder than they expected. However, rather than recognising the error in their judgement they’ve decided that it’s other players playing as a team that are at fault. They claim these players are employing an unfair meta strategy known as “stacking” to combat them.
But what is stacking in Call of Duty: Warzone?
What is Stacking in Call of Duty: Warzone?
In Warzone, “stacking” is when a squad work as a team to defeat an enemy player.
At this point, you’re probably asking yourself what’s unfair about this? Well, nothing. Duos, Trios and Quads are team-based game modes. Players who opt to make things harder for themselves by playing these modes on their own shouldn’t complain when they come up against a cohesive team and lose.
Still, this hasn’t stopped a fierce debate about the stacking meta from irrupting online.

Posting to X, @ImMeishu shared a gameplay clip of “stacking” in which they challenge a full squad of four and fail. They wrote, “The literal WZ2 effect at full force”, the implication being that last year’s Warzone 2.0 favoured noobs and unskilled players which has led to players adopting unfair tactics to win.
In response, @BIackNinja wrote: “Wow the shocker, squads is wait, harder than solos? No way”.
Other critics of stacking have also had their say on X.
@TerrainHunt3r said: “Call of duty will not last if this stacking carry’s [sic] on”.
“4 Stacking is busted”, wrote @nameisjony alongside a clip of them losing to a team of four in Quads.
In contrast, @LoochyTV said: “I’m gonna be honest all the complaints about Warzone players “stacking” just seems dumb. Good players or not, there is no “right way” to play Warzone. You can’t expect people to conform to YOUR idea of how Warzone should be played.”
In a similar statement, @AaronTheLoco said: “I actually got no idea why the whole “stacking” on warzone is such a hot topic… You cannot expect every team in the lobby to be running around and playing like there [sic] in a solo game. Let people play how they want to play… Simple as”.
How do you feel about stacking in Warzone? Do you think it’s unfair? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…