Game Guides Games

What does ADS mean in Call of Duty? Explained

A sniper wearing a ghillie suit in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Credit: Activision

This guide explains what ADS means in Call of Duty (CoD).

Call of Duty is undeniably one of the most popular and successful video game franchises of all time. But that doesn’t make it any less confusing for newcomers or those returning to the series after an extended break. This is partially due to the vast array of acronyms, abbreviations, and words that CoD games use.

One specific example of this is ADS, which means “Aim Down Sight” in CoD. ADS is an incredibly important part of the in-game action because it can be the difference between scoring a kill or being killed.

How to ADS in CoD

Aiming down sights is one of the most straightforward things to do in Call of Duty. In fact, it’s always one of the first things you’re taught in CoD campaigns.

To ADS, simply press and hold L2/LT. This lines your first-person view up with your gun’s iron sights or attached optic and makes your shots far more accurate. If you shoot without aiming down sights, this is called hip firing. It is far less accurate.

Image showing aiming down sight in Call of Duty.
Aiming down sights in Call of Duty.

Why ADS matters in Call of Duty

In Call of Duty, the most common reference to ADS is made when talking about the speed of aiming down sights. The speed of ADS is so key in combat encounters because it can provide you a split second edge over your opponents.

If you ADS quickly and land rapid shots on an unsuspecting enemy, you’re almost guaranteed to win the fight. They won’t even have chance to properly respond.

CoD is such a fast-paced game that any bonus to your speed in combat is a huge positive, particularly if you frequently employ a run-and-gun playstyle.

How to improve ADS speed in CoD

Your ADS speed is determined primarily by the weapon you’re using. Typically, the heavier the gun, the slower your ADS speed will be.

SMGs provide rapid ADS speed, as do pistols. However, ADS speed with LMGs is typically far slower.

With that being said, there are steps you can take to improve your aim down sight speed in Call of Duty.

In Modern Warfare 2, players can use attachments on their weapons in the gunsmith screen to increase ADS speed. And it’s easy to tell which attachments will provide a bonus.

Image showing a weapon attachment in Call of Duty which improves aim down sight speed.
Look for “Aim Down Sight Speed” under ‘Pros’.

Each attachment has a list of ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’. Under ‘Pros’, “Aim Down Sight Speed” will be listed if it has a positive impact on ADS. Conversely, if an attachment slows ADS speed down, this will appear under ‘Cons’.

You should also bear in mind that some lasers may be visible while aiming down sights. This may give away your presence and position to an opponent. To check if a laser will be visible in ADS, look for the “Laser Visible in ADS” message under ‘Cons’.

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Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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