Call of Duty Warzone is often a frustrating business – but Warzone memes are always hilarious.
There’s tonnes of Instagram accounts out there that copy and paste their Warzone memes from others. But if there’s one thing we value, it’s original content. That’s why we’ve channeled our hours of game time in Warzone into making original funny memes that we hope others will enjoy.

Whether you’re a pro, a casual or a noob, we’ve all been playing Warzone for nearly a year and a half. And as rage-inducing as it can be, it also creates some funny and exciting memories. There’s nothing better than scrolling through your social media feeds and discovering someone else (wherever they are) has experienced the exact same thing as you.
So, here are our Top 10 Warzone memes – taken straight from our Instagram feed – that may just give you a giggle.
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Top 10 Warzone Memes
We’ve all been there. The whole squad is together. Everyone’s on their A-game. Except, of course, the worst player in your group. Luckily, you manage to pull it out the bag and win the game… But it isn’t too long before the worst player is taking all the credit.
Warzone Memes – #9
Is there anything more frustrating than being deep in a Warzone session with the squad and your girlfriend or boyfriend decides you’ve played enough? We don’t think so. It might even have you questioning your relationship….
Everyone hates campers. But that doesn’t stop them from watching everyone else fight it out from a safe distance. They can’t really say they’re actually “playing the game” though, can they?
Warzone Memes – #7
This happens way more than it probably should in Warzone. And it’s usually thanks to those pesky Buy Station campers. Tyson Fury aptly sums up our feelings on it…
You’ve been gone all of two minutes. Yet somehow your squad mate has gone from having a green shotty and no armour to being fully kitted out. Something isn’t right here…
Warzone Memes – #5
Hackers are the plight of every Warzone game. But it’s still damn fun to catch one in the act and hit that sweet “report” button.
They know you’re coming. They just don’t know when. So, why not burst your way through the front door and shred the camping cowards?
Warzone Memes – #3
If you try your best, anything is possible. At least that’s what they say. Similarly, just because you might not be the best at Warzone, it doesn’t mean you never get any kills. Just make sure it doesn’t go to your head, though.
The dreaded MG 82. We’ve said it needs a nerf. In fact, everyone has said it needs a nerf. Even Raven Software. But that doesn’t stop you from feeling like Tony Montana every time you pick it up…
Warzone Memes – #1
It can be a bittersweet moment. You and your squad just make it into the circle, narrowly avoiding death in the gas. But there are some poor souls who succumb to their gulag-bound fate. Hey, at least it wasn’t you though. Clarkson, May and Hammond perfectly capture that sentiment. And like you and your squad, they’re not going to dwell on it for too long.
If you’ve enjoyed these Warzone memes, follow us on Instagram for more!
Do you have some funny Call of Duty Warzone experiences? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…