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The Last of Us Remake Dev Wants Critics To Know One Important Thing

The Last of Us Part 1 artwork and in game screenshot of Joel.

The Last of Us remake – officially titled ‘Part I‘ – has been a controversial subject since its announcement last month. And there are a couple of key reasons for that. Primarily price and necessity.

Many fans celebrated its reveal, however an equal amount criticised Sony and developer Naughty Dog. Some even went as far as to call the remake a “cash grab” and “pointless.”

The reasons for these complaints are obvious. The original game isn’t even 10 years old and it has already been remastered. The Last of Us Part I also has a hefty $70 price tag. A sizeable sum for a game many PlayStation owners will have already played.

Ellie and Joel in a car in The Last of Us Part I.
Credit: Sony / Naughty Dog

However, one of The Last of Us Part I‘s developers has pushed back against critics. Animator Robert Morrison – who previously worked on the project and is now at Bend Studio – took to Twitter to share extremely high praise of the game.

The Last of Us remake more than just a “cash grab”

Morrison said in response to The Last of Us Part I‘s critics:

“It’s just a cash grab”

Actually it’s the most meticulously built and crafted project that I have ever seen or been a part of in my entire career. The highest level of care and attention to detail possible.

Robert Morrison (@RobertAnim8er)
Tweet by developer Robert Morrison regarding The Last of Us remake.
@RobertAnim8er on Twitter.

As you’d expect, the response to Morrison’s tweet has been mixed. And while some understand the powerful point he is making about the “level of care” that’s gone into the game, many still take issue with its price.

A number of commenters noted that despite Morrison’s opinion, they still consider the upcoming remake a cash grab.

This prompted Morrison to share his own view on the game’s pricing:

The price of the game is out of my control and worth is subjective to each individual. You can decide for yourself if you want it or not. All I’m saying is I am in awe of the work that an amazing group of people did on the project. A tremendous amount of passion was put into it.

Robert Morrison (@RobertAnim8er)
Tweet about the pricing of The Last of Us remake.
@RobertAnim8er on Twitter.

Morrison’s point is fair. No one is forcing individuals to buy games. And developers don’t have a say on pricing. It’s also fantastic to hear how great the remake apparently is.

But it stands to reason that $70 is a lot of money for a remake of a game that came out less than a decade ago.

Modern gaming in general is awash with remakes, remasters, and reboots. This certainly doesn’t help The Last of Us Part I‘s cause. Gamers want new things to play and are certainly growing tired of rehashed products.

Whatever your thoughts are on the remake, I’m sure many of us will be happy so long as it doesn’t tarnish the original game’s incredible legacy. And what we’ve seen of it so far looks very promising indeed.

Do you think The Last of Us Part I is a “cash grab”? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…


Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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