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Silent Hill 2 remake release date confirmed in new gameplay trailer

James Sunderland in Silent Hill 2 remake.

Credit: Konami

Konami has released a new 13-minute gameplay trailer for the Silent Hill 2 remake – and it’s safe to say we’re impressed. We also know when we’ll be able to get our hands on it.

The trailer, which showcases impressive Unreal Engine 5 graphics, provides a detailed look at the eponymous town, the game’s character models, and gameplay.

While it’s too early to say whether Silent Hill 2 will be a triumphant remake akin to Resident Evil 2, it certainly looks promising. Protagonist James Sunderland is shown navigating the streets of Silent Hill and wading through its iconic fog. So far, it appears that Blooper Team has accurately captured the atmosphere of the original game.

Players also got a look at the game’s combat. James, armed with a nail board, fights off a Lying Figure and bludgeons it to death.

Later, he is shown exploring different buildings and environments in the town and interacting with other characters. Inside Brookhaven Hospital, James encounters nurse monsters and is seen using a shotgun.

Silent Hill 2‘s combat doesn’t look particularly remarkable and is reminiscent of the clunky action from the original. However, that’s unlikely to deter fans desperate to revisit the series for the first time since 2012’s Silent Hill: Downpour.

You can check out the new gameplay trailer for Silent Hill 2 below:

Silent Hill 2 remake release date

At the very end of the trailer, Konami revealed Silent Hill 2‘s release date: October 8th, 2024. It is available to pre-order now.

The game is set for release on that date for PC and PlayStation 5. It is a timed exclusive and will reportedly arrive on other platforms one year later.

What are your thoughts on the Silent Hill 2 remake trailer and are you pleased its release date is so close? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…


Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

1 Comment

  1. 6 Exciting Games Launching in the Second Half of 2024

    3 June 2024 14:50 BST

    […] in Unreal Engine 5, Silent Hill 2 follows James Sunderland as he ventures to the town of Silent Hill after receiving a letter from […]

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