This guide explains how to get the treasures in the Audience Chamber in Resident Evil 4 remake.
Resident Evil 4 remake’s seventh chapter takes players inside the castle and into the Audience Chamber. After meeting Ramon Salazar and taking out his Zealots, you need to figure out how to escape the chamber.
Upon exploring the Audience Chamber, you will notice two treasure chests that are out of reach. One is on the southeast side of the room while the other is on the southwest side. They are both behind bars, so it’s clear extra steps need to be taken to get to them.
So, how do you get to the treasures? Allow us to explain…
How to get treasures in Audience Chamber in Resident Evil 4 remake
Treasure #1 – Southeast side

Give Ashley a boost through the gap in the wall on the northeast side of the chamber. She will unlock a nearby gate. Go through the gate and turn right. Walk forwards and then turn right again. You will see the treasure chest straight ahead. Inside is an Elegant Perfume Bottle.
Treasure #2 – Southwest side

Once Ashley has unlocked the gate, go through the gap in the wall straight ahead. Go right and then left down some stairs. You will arrive in the Dungeons.
Go left and then loop round through the cells. You will hear some kind of monster in the distance but don’t worry about that for now. There is a bloodied body slumped against a dead end ahead. Collect the Dungeon Key from the body.
When you turn around to leave, the floor will collapse. You must now fight the blind but dangerous Garrador. Shooting your gun or making other sounds will prompt it to break free and chase you. Proceed with stealth and caution. It can’t see you, so sneak attacks on the weak point on its back are your best bet.

If it does charge at you with its huge claws, avoid its attacks. Try and sneak off and when it’s back is turned, shoot it in its weak spot. A few well-placed shots with a high-powered weapon should be ample to take this beast down.
Once the Garrador is dealt with, you will soon arrive in a larger room (if you haven’t already). Ahead, use the crank to open the gate. Turn right and climb the ladder. Loop round back to the Dungeons and use the Dungeon Key to unlock the Dungeon’s locked gate.
Go straight ahead and climb the ladder. Pass through the storeroom and into the Treasury. Solve the Treasury puzzle to escape the room. Pass through the next room and loot the treasure chest here for a Gold Bangle.

Go through the door to the Audience Chamber’s second-floor balcony. Go right until you reach the ladder at the end and kick it down. Next, go back to the second large chandelier. You can use this to jump across to the other side of the room.

Once you’ve jumped across, go right and you will see a hole in the floor ahead. Drop down into the cell below where the treasure chest is. Inside is a Golden Hourglass.
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