If you have found your way to this article, you are probably here for one very specific reason. You want to know if Oppenheimer mac and cheese is a real thing. To the uninitiated, that may sound utterly ridiculous. And that’s because it is.
Christopher Nolan’s much-anticipated biographical epic about the father of the atomic bomb is set for release on 21 July. After months of hype-building for Oppenheimer, excitement among moviegoers has reached a fever pitch. Combine that with its debut coinciding with Barbie, and you’ve got a recipe for social media success.
“Barbenheimer” has, of course, taken the internet by storm. But both movies have become viral hits in their own right, with Oppenheimer in particular attracting peculiar food content.
In case you missed it, the “Whoppenheimer” was trending online not too long ago. But now it’s time to make way for Oppenheimer mac and cheese. Yes – you read that correctly. There are rumours that Kraft has produced promotional Oppenheimer macaroni and cheese – and it even features star Cillian Murphy on the box.
Rumours of this explosively cheesy pasta dish surfaced online on 17 July. But where did they come from and is it real?

Is Kraft Oppenheimer Mac and Cheese real?
Kraft Oppenheimer Mac and Cheese is not a real product.
Rumours of its existence come from a satirical TikTok video posted by Drive-Thru Goons on 17 July 2023. It has since gone viral, attracting more than 97K views and 10.7K likes at the time of writing.
Captioned “Still not sure if this is real or not”, the one-minute clip shows a man and woman supposedly finding Oppenheimer-branded Kraft Macaroni and Cheese in a grocery store. The fake packaging features the film’s logo and Cillian Murphy’s J. Robert Oppenheimer.
What happens in the TikTok video?
The video begins with the man exclaiming: “Okay, okay! You guys have to check this out! Look at this. Oppenheimer Kraft macaroni and cheese shapes. Has anyone else seen this in their store? This is awesome!”.
His friend quickly chimes in: “There’s no way that’s real. I mean, the movie’s rated R. There’s no way they’d put this next to, like, Paw Patrol.”
After debating its authenticity, the pair check the shelf and find more packs of the promotional pasta snack. They buy a pack and take it home. After opening it and claiming the pasta shapes resemble historical figures including Lewis Strauss, Ernest Lawrence, and Leslie Groves, they begin to cook the macaroni.

But things don’t go to plan. It bubbles in the pan and the woman notices on the ingredients list that it “may contain plutonium” and “isotope 397012”. She screams: “Turn that off! Turn that off!” The entire house then explodes and the video ends.
How did people react?
Naturally, social media users responded to the video in confusion and excitement. User FountainDrink commented: “it’s real!!??” while user joshfromdrake&josh said: “this mac n cheese is the BOMBBB”.
One eagle-eyed viewer explained: “It’s a paper cover stuck over a box. You can see the purple at the top of the box which is the exact same as the black panther Mac over to the right”.
Still, this revelation didn’t stop some commenters demanding Barbie mac and cheese. User jame wrote: “where’s the barbie mac and cheese”.
While the Oppenheimer mac and cheese is disappointingly fake, we’d certainly love to give this hypothetical snack a try. Perhaps this video will inspire Kraft and Universal Pictures to team up. We can dream.
Would you try this mac and cheese? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other Film & TV articles…