Reports have surfaced about Quantic Dream’s next project. And it’s not what you might expect. The French video game developer is known for its narrative-driven games Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human. But its new title won’t be a fresh IP. It’ll apparently be set in a galaxy far, far away. That’s right – a Quantic Dream Star Wars game is reportedly in development.
YouTuber Gautoz first reported the rumour, stating that Quantic Dream has signed a new deal with Disney. Studio head David Cage had previously said that Quantic Dream’s exclusivity agreement with Sony has come to an end. He also said their future titles will be multi-platform. Dualshockers have since investigated the studio’s next game, and have spoke to an individual with close ties to Quantic Dream. This individual “provided overwhelming evidence that he had contacts at Quantic Dream” and said they are, in fact, making a Star Wars game. So, what else do we know about it?
How long has it been in development?
Dualshockers’ source told them the game has been in development for 18 months. However, no specific information about its progress has been provided. That means we don’t know exactly what state the game is in. Additional rumours suggest its full development could’ve started as recently as a few months ago.

Quantic Dream Star Wars game release date
With so few details available and little insight into its progress, you’re probably wondering when this game might see the light of day. When is the Quantic Dream Star Wars game coming out? It’s likely a long way off. Its proper development seems to have only begun recently, which means it may be two or three years until we get an official announcement. And its actual release could be beyond that timeframe, even if we’re being optimistic.
What will it be about?
Kotaku also heard about the game’s development from another source. They reported that “it won’t be the conventional type of quick-time-event-driven game we’ve come to expect from the French studio”. They explained “the game will have more traditional action gameplay, and possibly even open world and multiplayer elements”.
That may be disappointing news for fans of Quantic Dream games. It goes without saying that the studio’s former approach could’ve provided a unique Star Wars video game experience. Especially when you consider previous Star Wars games have typically been action-heavy.
In terms of the Quantic Dream Stars Wars game story, it remains unclear what it’ll be about. It’s unlikely it’ll focus on or adapt the stories from the films. It’s probably a safe bet it’ll be a standalone tale instead, which we’d be happy with.
Quantic Dream Star Wars game trailer
Is there a trailer for Quantic Dream’s next game? No. And with the game so early in development, don’t expect one soon. You’re going to be waiting a while.
Are you excited to see what Quantic Dream’s next game is? Do you think it will be a Star Wars game? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…