With Season 1 Reloaded of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (MW3) and Warzone now well underway, attention is turning to Season 2. But for many fans, Season 2 is a make or break update for MW3 Zombies.
That’s because MW3 Zombies (also known as MWZ) has received little in the way of new content. Season 1 debuted with just one new mission for players to experience.
Season 1 Reloaded was more of the same, with the only addition being the lacklustre Dokkaebi warlord. We found and defeated her in a single game.
Given the overhaul Zombies received as part of MW3, it’s no wonder that fans were expecting more.
Built on the foundations of last year’s DMZ, MWZ was Zombies’ first real foray into an open-world.
However, we are yet to see the mode reach its full potential. With all that being said, players are keen to know what Activision has in store for MW3 Zombies in Season 2.
So, let’s go through everything we know about it so far.
MW3 Zombies Season 2 release date
The official release date for MW3, Warzone, and MWZ Season 2 has not been officially confirmed. However, it is widely believed that Season 2 will begin on 7 February 2024 following the conclusion of the Season 1 battle pass.
With just over two weeks between now and its suspected release date, Activision could drop Season 2 preview materials any day now.
Typically, however, Activision usually begin promoting a new season around one week before it is set to launch.

What will MW3 Zombies Season 2 include?
Specific details regarding new content for MWZ in Season 2 have not been announced. Despite this, there have been a number of leaks (courtesy of data miners) that give us clues about what we can expect.
Here’s a quick list summarising the possible new content coming in Season 2. We’ll break things down in more detail later in the article:
- One new story mission for Act IV
- New EMP zombie type
- New item Easter Egg quest to open a Dark Aether rift
- New schematics, including V-R11 and Blood Burner
- New contract missions
- Exfil streaks
- New Warlords
New MWZ Act IV story mission
A new Act IV story mission appears to have been leaked by data miner @HeyImAlaix on X. They shared an image of a string of game code that listed objectives and corresponding descriptions for a “quest”.
The objectives and descriptions were as follows:
- “ENTERSTRONGHOLD”: Rescue Fletcher – Go to Fletcher’s last known location.
- “RESCUEINTRO”: Investigate – Investigate the nearby distress signal.
- “RESCUEINTRO_PROTECT”: Defend – Defend the remaining survivors until the ACV is ready.
- “ESCORT_INTRO”: Regroup – Regroup at the ACV with the remaining Terminus agents.
- “ESCORT_PRE_EMP”: Escort – Escort Terminus to Fletcher’s last known location.
- “ESCORT_EMP”: Interference – Investigate the source of the signal disruption.
- “ESCORT_EMP_ENEMY”: Eliminate – Eliminate the source of the signal disruption.
The leaked code indicates players will be rescuing Fletcher before escorting an ACV and fighting a special EMP zombie as part of the mission.

New Easter Egg item quest
Code relating to a new Easter Egg item has been leaked by @CODWarfareForum on X.
It appears players will be hunting for items from Fletcher’s past, including a drum, tattered MMA gloves, pristine mirror, and perforated target.
Exactly what we will need to do with each of these items is unknown, however it is likely they will open a Dark Aether rift.
New schematics
It has been reported that the V-R11 wonder weapon will be craftable thanks to a new schematic in Season 2.
Furthermore, data miner @alanthethird_90 found a shared string of code suggesting players will be able to craft keys for the Blood Burner motorcycle.
New contracts in MW3 Zombies Season 2
@alanthethird_90 has also discovered code hinting that up to six new contract types will be coming in Season 2. While these are unconfirmed, the new contracts may include:
- Hunt mercenary Cargo Chopper
- Summon: Charge the Aether Amplifier to get a high value target out of the Dark Aether, then kill it before it can retreat.
- Turret defense: Protect the turret until it is fully booted up.
- Hostages: Rescue scientists from mercenaries.
- Survive: Stay alive in a specific area for a set time with no escape.

Exfil streaks coming to MW3 Zombies
DMZ players will remember exfil streaks well. These allowed players to stack rewards and bonuses for every successful exfil in the mode.
According to leaker @JaxonKEKW, exfil streaks are coming to MW3 Zombies but have been renamed “Containment Levels”.
There will be ten containment levels and they will function in the same way as exfil streaks, with each level providing a different reward.
It’s worth noting that simply deploying into Urzikstan and extracting will not be enough to advance your containment level. Players will need to complete a contract first.
New Warlords
@alanthethird_90 has also found code suggesting new Warlords are coming to Warzone. While there is little evidence they will be coming to Zombies in Season 2, there’s a good chance some may make their way into the mode.
New Warlords in Zombies could include any or all of the following characters:
- Keres
- Garid
- Archangel
- Rainmaker
- Bronco
- Kolenke
- Ursa
- Sokolev
It goes without saying that all of the information we’ve detailed above should be taken with a pinch of salt until Activision has provided official confirmation.
Until then, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for ample new content for Zombies in Season 2. It’s about time.
What new content would you like to see for MWZ in Season 2? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles.