Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III‘s (MW3) Zombies mode is arguably the best part of the game. With the campaign being a near-universal disappointment and multiplayer playing it very safe, MW3 Zombies (MWZ) at least offers a fresh twist on the familiar mode. But it’s not without its problems. For example, there is a recurring bug which prevents the gold weapon mastery camo from unlocking.
In MWZ, there are four base camos available for most weapons. You earn these by completing specific objectives with a weapon. Once these are complete, you can begin unlocking mastery camos for the weapon. The first mastery camo is a gold variant (called “Golden Enigma” for most weapons).
To unlock the gold camo, you need to get 100 kills in Zombies with the weapon and then successfully extract it during the same deployment. Sounds simple enough.
However, there is a bug that prevents this objective from tracking properly. Thus, when players complete the objective, they don’t unlock the gold camo as expected. We have also experienced this issue for various weapons and, despite completing the challenge numerous times, the gold camo simply will not unlock.
Thankfully, there does appear to be a workaround you can try until a patch is deployed to properly fix the issue.
How to fix gold camo not unlocking in MW3 Zombies
If the gold camo won’t unlock for a weapon in MW3 Zombies, try completing the challenge without Pack-a-Punching it or upgrading its rarity. Just use the base version of the weapon.

While this workaround does not have a 100% success rate, it did appear to increase the chance of unlocking the gold camo during our extensive testing.
The exact reason for the bug is unknown and recent updates for MW3 have not fixed it. However, there is a strong possibility that a patch will be deployed to resolve the issue in due course.
Until then, we recommend trying the method above to improve your chances of completing the objective.
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