Picture the scene. You’re hours into a session of Call of Duty: Warzone. The sweat is dripping, your brain is working at its absolute peak, and nothing can break your focus. You’re feeling good and primed for the end game – could this be the win you’ve been grinding the entire session for?
Well, not if that weirdo cruising around in a truck has anything to say about it (or any other vehicle for that matter). And that’s why I’ve written this list of the most annoying ways to die in Warzone. After all, there’s nothing worse than a frustrating death that makes you simultaneously kick yourself and question why some people play how they do.
Most annoying ways to die in Call of Duty: Warzone
1. Getting ran over
Getting splatted by a vehicle. What a horrible way to die in Warzone. It might be a stretch to say that getting hit by a Scania in real life would be preferable. But for anyone who has died like this in Warzone, you know that it would be a tough choice to make.
I think what’s perhaps most frustrating about this death is the lack of skill it takes for a player to inflict it upon you. Vehicles are so easy to drive (and aim at another player) when compared with the plethora of guns available in Warzone these days, that it feels almost unfair to die to such a cheap and noob-friendly tactic.

The fact you always see it coming makes it even more annoying – you just can’t always avoid it. It’s like that nightmare I get after eating too much cheese of an evening, standing in the path of a runaway freight train and unable to move out of its way. Your feet suddenly seem to be stuck in treacle and you’re condemned to your fate of a quick return to the lobby screen. And all at the hands of some grinning psycho-noob behind the wheel.
2. Pancaking/splatting/not pulling your parachute
Time for a bit of self-awareness. I always blame this death on the game/my controller/the weather/the government. Anything but myself.
I think it’s the embarrassment of this death that grates the most. That, or the thunderous laughter coming from your teammates on party chat if you’re unfortunate enough to have been seen turning your operator into a puddle. All because you got a bit too confident with the game’s mechanics.
I can only see two solutions to help deal with the shame of this death (other than not being stupid enough to do it in the first place, but that goes without saying).
- Say you died to something else other than fall damage. Maybe a proximity mine. A well placed snipe, perhaps. Lag. This option does come with its downsides, though. It relies on no one actually seeing what you did, and even then the killfeed is there to immediately call your dishonesty out.
- Run the new Mountaineer perk!
3. RNG
This one is mostly related to the beginning of a game (as these days you return from the gulag with a half-decent gun more often than not).
If you land in a location alongside another squad, unless you’re a 6.0KD sweat, you’re going to need a serviceable weapon to compete with the enemies who have inevitably and immediately found a legendary, maxed out meta gun.
But just as inevitable as it is that your enemies manage to get fully kitted out immediately, you will only find a gas grenade and Battle Rage field upgrade.
The best thing to do in such a situation is to reposition with your tail tucked firmly between your legs – and remember to keep a low profile while doing it. But, more often than not, the enemy squad has also landed on a UAV – so you’re probably already dead.
Off to the gulag you go.
4. The gulag
You’ve just died in Warzone. No doubt it was a controller-smashing, knuckle-chewing, and vein-throbbing death. So, what you really need to help calm down is a random player throwing rocks at you before you even start your fight. And that’s not even the worst bit.

The gulag is, by default, a double-edged sword. Win and you can feel relief, reassured and vindicated that you aren’t terrible at the game after all. If you’re playing with a squad, you’ve saved them the cost and inconvenience of buying you back (again).
But lose, and oh boy. Dying again, so quickly after your initial death, only piles on the frustration, disappointment, and shame of dying in the first place. It’s a bit like a football team getting relegated and then immediately being relegated again. Not only are you bad. You’re REALLY bad.
“Get the res plz.”
5. Campers
This wouldn’t be an annoying Warzone deaths list if it didn’t feature this entry in particular.
Now, what’s so intriguing about this part of the list is that we’re all guilty of it. We do it. You do it. I do it. We all do it. Camping forms an integral part of our gaming vocabulary. And, not only that, in our own minds, it’s justified whenever we do it. But when you die to someone else who dares to engage in a spot of ‘sentinel’ gameplay – well, that’s just not OK.
I think we can group dying to campers with the vehicle splat death in that it’s the lack of skill that it requires to inflict it on someone. That’s what makes it so completely rage inducing.

If you’re sat in a shady corner, sights aimed firmly on the only door, of course you have the advantage over an unwitting campsite intruder. Worst still, you can’t always prevent this death, regardless of your skill level. Camping is the great equaliser, the only tactic that can result in a total noob whose thumbs were installed upside down coming out on top over a giga-sweat.
I think, though, the purest and most blood-boiling version of camping in Warzone is when someone camps so hard that they end up dying themselves. Have you ever died to someone who was so determined to kill you that they lingered in the gas, with no gas mask equipped, and the killcam shows them succumbing shortly after your own demise? Well, I have. Nobody wins in that scenario. And all for one measly kill.
Most annoying ways to die in Warzone – Dishonourable mention
This is a bit of a cheat as it’s not actually a death. But I had to include it as it’s the icing on any annoying Warzone death – bodyshotting.
I could have gone for tea-bagging here. But there’s something innocent, light-hearted, and even amusing in a tea-bag. It’s a troll, sure. But who doesn’t love a virtual tea-bag?
A body-shot is different, though. There’s something aggressive about it, isn’t there? It’s as if you insulted someone’s saintly mother because you dared to be in the same Warzone lobby as them. Surely, you should be happy with me for being bad enough to die to you – so why are you so angry?
There’s arguably nothing worse than dying and then having your operator’s limp corpse desecrated with unnecessary, rage-fuelled bullets. It really is the final straw. I’m getting angry just thinking about.
Did we miss any annoying ways to die in Call of Duty: Warzone? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…