With the Modern Warfare 3 Open Beta almost upon us (it kicks off on 6th October), players are keen to know exactly how it will work. The full game arrives on 10th November and we were wondering whether the beta will give us a head start with progression and unlockables. So, the big question is if Open Beta progress will carry over from MW3‘s Open Beta and into the main game.
In most multiplayer games that run betas (Call of Duty titles included), it’s rare that any progress will carry over into the full version. Similarly, betas typically only offer a fraction of the content that their complete counterparts do. In Call of Duty games, a few weapons and other minor unlockables are made available during beta periods and this is ultimately lost once the beta ends.
Some players find this frustrating, however there is a good reason for it. It’s to ensure everyone starts on a level playing field once the full game launches.
However, very occasionally, beta progress is retained. But will this be the case in MW2?
Does Open Beta progress carry over in MW3?
Activision has confirmed that Open Beta progress will not be carried over into the full version of MW3.

The Open Beta is a time-limited trial for the game that will be available for pre-order customers first. It begins on the following dates:
- Weekend One (PlayStation): 6th-7th October Early Access, 8th-10th October Open Beta
- Weekend Two (all other platforms + all PlayStation): 12th-13th October Early Access, 14th-16th October Open Beta
The exact worldwide launch times for the Open Beta have not been announced. Similarly, Activision has not confirmed what content will available in the Open Beta, such as weapons, operators, maps, and modes. Players should expect it to be a limited version of the full game with a small selection of its total content.
Digital pre-order players will be automatically registered for the Open Beta. Meanwhile, players who pre-order physical copies will be given an Open Beta code to redeem by retailers.
Are you disappointed that Open Beta progress will not carry over in MW3? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…