This Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection guide explains how to switch to Player 2 during the Psycho Mantis fight.
Metal Gear Solid is back after an eight-year absence. The Master Collection includes the first three instalments in the series. But many fans will be most excited about playing 1998’s MGS1.
While the game features numerous memorable moments, arguably the most beloved is the boss fight against murderous telepath Psycho Mantis.
The boss battle includes numerous elements that break the fourth wall. What makes the fight so challenging is that Mantis can predict all your attacks and dodge them with ease. On the PS1, players could counteract this by plugging their controller into the Player 2 slot.
Given that controllers are no longer wired, you might be wondering how to switch to Player 2 on PS5. After completing the boss fight myself, I’ve figured it out – and it’s pretty straightforward.
How to switch to Player 2 during Psycho Mantis fight in MGS Master Collection
This is how to switch to Player 2 during the Psycho Mantis boss fight in the MGS Master Collection:
Pause the game and press the PS button. Press Circle to back out of the PS5 Home Screen and the Stance Menu will appear. Select ‘Controller Settings’ and go to ‘Controller Connection’. Switch to ‘Connect as P2’ and press Circle to confirm.

Once you have done this, Psycho Mantis will not be able to detect your attacks. You will be able to shoot him and perform melee attacks without him dodging them.
While switching the controller is the key to defeating him, you will also need to avoid the floating objects he throws at you as these deal significant damage.
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