This Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection guide explains where to get the PSG1 sniper in MGS1.
If there’s one thing that Metal Gear Solid is known for, it’s memorable boss battles. From Psycho Mantis to Liquid Snake, 1998’s revolutionary stealth action game nails them all.
For lots of players, arguably the best boss fight in the game is against Sniper Wolf. After she dramatically shoots and injures Meryl Silverburgh, Solid Snake must find a sniper rifle to take out Wolf and save Meryl.
However, if this is your first time playing MGS1 in a long time, you may be struggling to recall where to find the PSG1. Thankfully, it isn’t too tricky to find but it does require you to go back on yourself and visit previous areas of the Shadow Moses facility.
Where to get the PSG1 sniper in Metal Gear Solid
This is where to get the PSG1 sniper in Metal Gear Solid:
Leave Meryl and crawl back to the door while taking care to avoid the mines. Go back through the door and into the cave. Make your way back to the Nuclear Storage Warehouse (floor 1 in the elevator after the room where you fought Psycho Mantis).
Get into the back of the truck in the warehouse and use Cardboard Box A. Wait a few moments and you will be taken back to the heliport. Go back through the top air vent you used to first access the facility. Continue to the Tank Hanger. Once there, head to the storage room in the south east corner of the second floor.
There are Thermal Goggles in here that will help you detect lasers. Head to the elevator and go to level B2 (Armory). Guards will be patrolling here so proceed with caution to the first room in the top left corner.

Inside is the PSG1 sniper, but you must avoid the laser trap. Equip your Thermal Goggles to reveal the lasers and carefully crawl underneath. Tripping the lasers here will trigger an alert.

Once you have the PSG1, make your way back to Sniper Wolf. Meryl will have disappeared and you must fight and defeat Wolf to progress any further in the game.
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