This Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection guide explains where to get the Mine Detector in MGS1.
With the release of the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection, fans will be excited to replay 1998’s MGS1. While it’s certainly showing it’s age, it remains a landmark title in the history of video games.
For lots of players, this will likely be the first time they’ve played MGS1 in a long time. And it might be difficult to remember exactly what to do and where everything is. That includes weapons and equipment in the game.
One particularly important item in MGS1 is the Mine Detector. After successfully getting through the laser trap in the Tank Hanger area, you will arrive in a snow-covered area. “Deepthroat” will contact Snake via codec and inform him that there are claymore mines there and to use the Mine Detector.
But where exactly is the Mine Detector?
Where to get the Mine Detector in Metal Gear Solid (Master Collection)
This is where to get the Mine Detector in Metal Gear Solid:
Go back to the Tank Hanger. Remember to be careful of the laser trap as this is still active. Get back through the lasers and go up to the second floor of the Tank Hanger.
Go all the way around to the other side of the walk way. Deal with the patrolling guard and security camera as you see fit. Go through the Level 2 door beneath the camera.

At the far end of the office room is the Mine Detector. Make your way back outside the Tank Hanger. Equip the Mine Detector and the locations of the claymore mines will be revealed on the radar. If you want to collect them, you can crawl over them.

Once you reach the centre of the area, a cutscene will play and you must face Vulcan Raven who is inside an M1 Abrams tank.
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