This Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 guide explains where to get C4 in MGS1.
After more than eight years, Metal Gear is back. With the release of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1, fans of the legendary stealth series and jumping back into the action.
For some, this will be the first time in a long time that they’ve played the original Metal Gear Solid. First released in 1998, it tells the story of Solid Snake’s infiltration of Shadow Moses Island to stop a terrorist takeover. As part of the game, players are tasked with completing various objectives to progress the mission. Many of these require special items, weapons, and equipment.
One example of this is early in the game when Snake must find ArmsTech president Kenneth Baker. To hide Baker, the terrorists cemented over doorways in the armory area. To blast through the cement, you need to find C4.
While replaying MGS1, I couldn’t quite remember where to find the explosives. But after some exploring, I managed to find it and was able to progress the mission.
Where to get C4 in Metal Gear Solid
This is where to get C4 in Metal Gear Solid:
C4 is located inside the room opposite the elevator in the Armory. There are two rows of rooms in the Armory. The room with the C4 is the middle room on the first row.

To enter this room, you must equip your Level 1 key card. Once inside, there will be two item boxes containing C4.

Collect them and you will be able to use the C4 to blow through the cement in the south west corner of the Armory.
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