This Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection guide explains where to freeze and warm the PAL Key in MGS1.
Replaying MGS1 has been an absolute joy, even if the Master Collection is underwhelming. One of the best things about getting stuck back into Hideo Kojima’s stealth classic has been revisiting so many memorable areas.
While the game takes place in a nuclear storage facility on a remote Alaskan island, lots is done to ensure the setting remains interesting and engrossing. However, as it has been many years since I last played MGS1, it took a while for me to remember where everything was.
This became particularly tricky towards the end of the game when I was tasked with freezing and warming the PAL Key. Thought to deactivate Metal Gear REX’s nuclear launch capabilities, the key is made of shape memory alloy. Snake must take the PAL Key to certain areas on Shadow Moses Island to alter its shape so it can be inserted into computer terminals three times.
First, it must be inserted at room temperature. This is super straightforward as you don’t actually need to go anywhere. However, knowing where to take the PAL Key to freeze and warm it is a little more ambiguous.
Where to freeze and warm the PAL Key in Metal Gear Solid
To freeze the PAL Key, take it to the Warehouse where you fought Vulcan Raven. Spend a couple of minutes running around the area and the key will eventually turn blue. Keep checking it in your inventory. Once it is blue, you can return to REX’s hanger and insert it into the second terminal.

To warm the PAL Key, go to the Blast Furnace. This will require you to go back through the Warehouse and back up the two elevators. Once you reach the Blast Furnace, spend a couple of minutes there until the key turns red in your inventory. Once this is done, go back to REX’s hanger and insert it into the final terminal.

And there you have it – that’s what you need to do to change the key’s shape.
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