Game Guides Games

Metal Gear Solid: How to use the ketchup

Image of Solid Snake in MGS1.

Credit: Konami

This Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection guide explains how to use the ketchup in MGS1.

The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection as a package is somewhat underwhelming. But the games it contains are still fantastic. And there are few games that have had an impact on the gaming industry like 1998’s Metal Gear Solid.

Set in a nuclear storage facility on Alaska’s Shadow Moses Island, it tells the story of Solid Snake. As a special operations soldier, he is deployed to the island to neutralise a terrorist uprising.

Along the way, he encounters formidable enemies and uncovers a mysterious government conspiracy. He also finds himself in grave danger and is even captured by the terrorists.

This leads to game’s well-known torture segment, where Snake is interrogated by Revolver Ocelot. In between torture sessions, Snake is placed in a prison cell. Initially, it is unclear how to escape from the cell. But Otacon eventually appears at the cell door and gives Snake some ketchup.

This can be used to fool the guard into thinking Snake is dead, which prompts him to unlock the cell. The player can then use this as an opportunity to escape.

But exactly how you use the ketchup isn’t explained and, in my recent playthrough, I was left scratching my head for a while.

How to use the ketchup in Metal Gear Solid

To use the ketchup in Metal Gear Solid, equip it, lie down and press Circle. 

Screenshot of Snake using the ketchup in Metal Gear Solid.
Snake after using the ketchup.

You will see the ketchup ooze out and pool beneath Snake’s body. Mimicking the appearance of blood, this will alarm the guard who will promptly unlock the cell.

As he approaches, get ready to make your escape. He will run into the cell, so quickly jump up, knock him out, and leave the area as quickly as you can.

Return to the torture room to collect your gear which can be found next to the torture rack.

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Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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