This Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection guide explains how to beat Metal Gear REX in MGS1.
Metal Gear is back after an eight-year absence. All three of the series’ original instalments have been re-released by Konami as part of the Master Collection. While Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater were granted second life on the PS3 and Xbox 360 as part of 2012’s HD Collection, MGS1 was curiously absent.
However, it has been included in the Master Collection. And while it doesn’t feature any notable enhancements from its PS1 version, the game is still fantastic all these years later. Fans will no doubt be keen to get stuck back in.
With that being said, it will likely have been a long time since many players last experienced MGS1. Therefore, bosses and various mission objectives may be tougher than you remember.
The game’s second to last boss is the iconic Metal Gear REX. The inevitable activation of this nuclear-armed bipedal tank is one of key focuses in MGS1. And when Snake fails to prevent the terrorists from using it, he is forced to destroy it.
Controlled by Liquid Snake, REX presents a ferocious challenge. And MGS1‘s clunky controls don’t make things any easier. Equipped with a gatling gun, guided missiles, and a laser, avoiding this mechanical monster’s attacks can be incredibly difficulty. So, how exactly do you beat REX in Metal Gear Solid?
How to beat Metal Gear REX in Metal Gear Solid
This is how to beat Metal Gear REX in MGS1:
The fight against REX is split into two parts. In first part, run close enough so that it doesn’t launch any missiles. Run in between its legs and use the Stinger to shoot its radome during pauses in its attacks. When you get close to it, it will use the laser instead of missiles so watch out for this.

After a cutscene featuring Gray Fox, the second part of the fight will begin. This time, its mouth will open revealing Liquid Snake in the cockpit. Use the same tactics as before but shoot Liquid with the Stinger instead of the Radome. Stay tightly under its legs to minimise its opportunity to fire at you. You will still need to avoid its laser.

Keep a close eye on its vision cone on the radar – when this turns blue it can’t see you. Use this opportunity to shoot the cockpit from beneath.
It’s worth noting that if you die against Metal Gear REX during the second round, you will need to restart from the very beginning of the fight. Thankfully, sticking close to REX to prevent it from firing missiles is a great tactic for surviving the battle.
Have you beaten REX in the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…