Game Guides Games

Layers of Fear: ‘Shattered Thoughts’ safe combination

The Shattered Thoughts safe in Layers of Fear.

This Layers of Fear guide details the ‘Shattered Thoughts’ safe combination during The Painter’s story.

Layers of Fear is described by Bloober Team as the definitive way to experience the psychological horror series. The first two instalments have been rebuilt using Unreal Engine 5, and this latest game features an additional story to complete the series’ narrative.

The game’s separate stories each tell of mentally disturbed artists – The Painter, The Actor, and The Writer. Player’s are briefly introduced to The Writer before diving into The Painter’s terrifying tale.

He is attempting to complete his masterpiece as his mind crumbles into insanity. You must explore his mansion in search of the supplies needed to finish his painting.

But, along the way, you encounter numerous puzzles that stop you in your tracks. One of these is the ‘Shattered Thoughts’ safe. Players will find this in the wall with the words “Shattered Thoughts” written nearby. You must open the safe to progress — but what is its combination and how do you get it?

‘Shattered Thoughts’ safe combination in Layers of Fear

The ‘Shattered Thoughts’ safe combination in Layers of Fear is 10 right, 70 left, 90 right.

The Shattered Thoughts safe with the combination written on a note in Layers of Fear.

Follow the below steps to find the safe combination for yourself:

From the safe, turn around and use the switch to turn the lights on. Collect the note from the head of the table. Turn the lights off and the safe will reappear. This will reveal the combination in the form of a note stuck to the safe.

The light switch in Layers of Fear.
Use the light switch.

Once you have the combination, use it to unlock the safe. Inside is a key. Take the key and turn the lights back on. This will allow you to leave the room through the door.

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Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar


    15 June 2023 17:00 BST

    It didnt work, i followed the instructions but it still didnt work no matter how many times i did it

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