This guide explains the Kaleidoscope chronological order of episodes on Netflix.
Kaleidoscope could well be the most unique viewing experience in Netflix history. Eric Garcia’s new Netflix heist drama series looks to start 2023 with a dose of ingenuity and creativity as it explores what happens when a TV crime series can be viewed in any order.
Kaleidoscope follows professional thief Ray AKA Leo Pap (Giancarlo Esposito) as he and his crew orchestrate an elaborate heist to steal $7 billion from three of the wealthiest individuals in the world. However, they must overcome betrayal, conflict, the FBI, and an old nemesis to get away with the money.
While its plot is a fairly standard (but nonetheless engaging) heist-based affair, Kaleidoscope‘s true uniqueness comes from its distinctive episode delivery. Despite being a tale with a clear beginning, middle, and end, the show’s episodes can be viewed in any order while still telling a coherent story.

Most interestingly, each viewer will see Kaleidoscope in a different order. And that means everyone will have an alternative perspective on the series’ events and characters.
However, the option is there for viewers to take the events of Kaleidoscope into their own hands. Despite Netflix giving each person a pre-set order to watch the series, viewers can alternatively view it in any order they choose. And that’s left people asking about watching Kaleidoscope in chronological order (that is, in the order they actually happened).
Of course, watching the show chronologically will give you the most straightforward understanding of events. And it’s a great option for a second viewing.
So, let’s take a look at how to watch Kaleidoscope in chronological order…
Kaleidoscope Chronological Order
Watching Kaleidoscope in chronological order it is probably not the best way to experience its story. After all, it’s built around mystery and betrayal – and watching the episodes in the order they happened certainly removes some of the mystery.
Still, it’s definitely not a bad way to watch the show. In fact, it will give you the best insight into the fall of Leo Pap and his eventual return to crime.

This is the Kaleidoscope chronological order of episodes:
- Violet – 24 years before the Heist
- Green – 7 years before the Heist
- Yellow – 6 weeks before the Heist
- Orange – 3 weeks before the Heist
- Blue – 5 days before the Heist
- White – The day of the Heist
- Red – Morning after the Heist
- Pink – Six months after the Heist
Kaleidoscope Chronological Episode Guide
Episode 1 – Violet
“Violet” kicks things off with an exploration of Ray Vernon’s (Leo Pap) past. In the episode, we learn about his late wife, Lilly, his history with Graham (Roger Salas), and Hannah’s childhood. This episode shows what led to Ray’s incarceration.
Episode 2 – Green
“Green” rejoins Ray 17 years into his prison sentence. An old face around the prison, Ray uses his rep to look out for cellmate Stan whose girlfriend Judy is helping him to funnel sim cards into the jail. After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, Ray decides it’s time to break out and live life on his own terms.
Episode 3 – Yellow
In “Yellow”, we find Ray seven years later, now going by the name “Leo”, on the hunt for a crew to help him perpetrate the Heist against his old pal Graham, now known as “Roger”. Roger is the head of his own security firm, SLS. Leo’s daughter Hannah works for Roger and uses her inside knowledge to help with the planning of the Heist. After Leo finds his crew, they organise a jewellery heist to finance the bigger operation.

Episode 4 – Orange
“Orange” follows FBI Special Agent Nazan Abbasi as she investigates the jewellery theft from three weeks earlier. The episode also explores her history of substance abuse and obsession with Leo’s lawyer, Ava Mercer.
Episode 5 – Blue
“Blue” shows the final stages of the crew’s six weeks worth of preparations for the SLS Heist. Roger is also threatened with having his past exposed by a disgruntled former employee.
Episode 6 – White
The Heist itself takes place in “White”, which was intended as the series’ finale. In this episode, most of Kaleidoscope‘s mysteries are resolved as we see what happens to the crew inside SLS.
Episode 7 – Red
“Red” is the shortest episode of the series and picks up events the following morning. The crew regroup after the Heist and plan their escape from the authorities.
Episode 8 – Pink
We rejoin the gang six months later in “Pink” as we see the true extent of the fallout from the Heist.
Do you think it’s best to watch Kaleidoscope in chronological order? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other Film & TV articles…