This guide explains how to use Check In on iOS 17 for iPhone.
With the launch of the iPhone 15 almost upon us, Apple has rolled out the latest flagship update: iOS 17.
The new update for the iPhone brings a number of new features to the ever-popular device from one of the world’s leading tech companies.
As with any new update, there is a lot to learn about when it comes to iOS 17. Usually, new features require some playing around with before you fully understand how they work. However, once you do, you will usually wonder how you ever managed without it.
One such feature is Check In, which is brand new in the latest update.
Check In is a new safety feature that allows you to automatically notify a friend when you arrive at your destination. This means they can keep track of you when you’re on your way home or are heading out by yourself.
So, let’s go over how to use and how to use Check In on iOS 17 for iPhone.
How to use Check In on iOS 17 for iPhone
This is how to use Check In on iOS 17 for iPhone:
1. When composing an iMessage, press the ‘+’ symbol to the left of the text field.

2. From the available apps/options, scroll to the second page and select ‘Check In’.

3. If you’re using Check In for the first time, you must choose the data you’d like to share. There are two options: Limited and Full. Once you’ve chosen, select ‘Continue’.

4. If the recipient is using iOS 17, you will then be able to Check In with them by sending the iMessage.
If they aren’t using the latest version of iOS, the following message will be displayed: “Check In is not available to send to this recipient.”
If you stop making progress towards your destination, your iPhone will prompt you to respond. If you don’t, your chosen contact will be notified with your current location and additional information depending on the sharing option you chose.
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