Hogwarts Legacy hasn’t even been released yet. But anticipation for the long-awaited open-world Wizarding World game is so high that players are eager to learn everything they can about it right now. One thing fans are excited to do is pick which Hogwarts house they belong to. And they want to know how to choose your house in Hogwarts Legacy.
Developer Avalanche Software has confirmed that players CAN choose their Hogwarts house in Hogwarts Legacy. This will come as great news for fans expecting the full Hogwarts experience.
Now, you may be wondering why we’ve written an article about how to choose your house in Hogwarts Legacy even though the game doesn’t launch until February.
And you won’t be surprised to hear that we haven’t played it yet. However, it is actually possible to pick which house you’ll belong to right now.

That means you can make your first big choice in the world of Hogwarts Legacy before you get your hands on the game.
Exactly what impact your Hogwarts house has on the game’s plot and your individual character is unclear. But that doesn’t make it any less important to fans who have always dreamt about picking their house.
So, how can you make the big decision now prior to the game’s release in 2023? Keep reading to find out how to choose your house in Hogwarts Legacy…
How To Choose Your House In Hogwarts Legacy
Avalance states players will be able to choose their house “at the start” of the game. Presumably, it’ll be one of the very first things you do after creating your character.
But there is a way to select your house early if you want to.
This is how to choose your house in Hogwarts Legacy. Players can bring their Wizarding World identity – including their Hogwarts house and wand – into Hogwarts Legacy by linking their Harry Potter Fan Club and WB Games accounts.
To do this, visit wizardingworld.com/legacyconnect. If you already have a Harry Potter Fan Club account and have your house and wand, you’ll simply need to link it to your WB Games account.
However, you’ll need to create an account if you don’t have one. Once you’ve logged in or created an account, you’ll be prompted to get sorted into a house by taking a quiz. You’ll then need to complete another quiz to discover your wand.

Once that’s done, you can link your accounts and then you’ll be all set for Hogwarts Legacy.
Thankfully, the Wizarding World website will guide you through the whole process so it’s nice and straightforward.
If you aren’t happy with the house the Sorting Hat chose for you, you can do the Sorting Ceremony again via the Harry Potter Fan Club app. You can only change houses once.
Players who link their accounts will also receive exclusive in-game rewards. This includes House Fan-atic School Robe and a Beaked Skull Mask.
Have you chosen your house? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…