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Hideo Kojima Speaks On Konami’s Weird And Unexpected MGS1 Reaction

Solid Snake looks at Metal Gear Rex in its hanger in Metal Gear Solid.

Credit: Konami

The Metal Gear series had a tremendous impact on the video game industry. And no game in the series made a greater splash than 1998’s Metal Gear Solid. It was the first 3D entry and helped bring the stealth game genre into the mainstream. It also took in-game storytelling and cinematics to a whole new level. And that was partially thanks to its powerful anti-war and anti-nuclear themes. But series creator Hideo Kojima recently shed light on the bizarre reactions he received to his plans for Metal Gear Solid.

In a few short tweets, Hideo Kojima took aim at ‘the company’ (presumably series publisher Konami) and the entertainment industry. After noting MGS1‘s 1998 release date, he said: “When I mentioned “anti-nuclear and anti-war” in an interview, the media laughed at me. I was ridiculed by my peers and by the company.”

He added: “The entertainment industry criticized me, saying, ‘You’ve got to be kidding, anti-war, anti-nuclear, when you’re playing a game that shoots guns.”” In hindsight, this reaction is certainly a head-scratcher. It’s like saying a war movie can’t take a stance on war because it features war. It just doesn’t make sense.

A tweet from Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima discussing the reaction to the game in 1998.
@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN on Twitter.

Hideo Kojima on nuclear weapons and disarmament

Kojima concluded with a sombre message about nuclear weapons, saying: “24 years have passed since then. Tomorrow, as we head into the metaverse, unfortunately nuclear weapons still exist, undismantled”.

In a later tweet, he expanded on his earlier comments about the reaction to MGS1. He was apparently told by Konami and staff that “anti-war and anti-nuclear were old-fashioned and lame”. He elaborated: “It was the Age of Swords and Magic, Violence and Fighting”.

A tweet from Hideo Kojima discussing the industry reaction to Metal Gear Solid.
@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN on Twitter.

All these years later, it’s clear those confusing reactions to Metal Gear Solid were just that – confused. Kojima’s comments also suggest there were rifts between himself and Konami way before their acrimonious split in 2015. And it seems the Metal Gear creator’s vision for the series ruffled feathers from the start. But whatever the differences were between the two parties, we’re pleased Kojima stuck to his guns and made MGS1 as he intended.

Do you agree with the reaction to Metal Gear Solid? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…


Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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