Rockstar Games confirmed in February that GTA 6 is well into development. It was the news fans had been waiting for.
It’s been nine long years since the release of GTA V and impatience is growing. Gamers are more than ready for the next instalment in the Grand Theft Auto series.
And despite seemingly endless – and unproven – rumours and leaks, we know virtually nothing official about the next game.
That means fans have been speculating for YEARS about what GTA 6 will be like. Everything from its possible setting to gameplay improvements to characters have been discussed in detail.
However, until Rockstar officially confirms the details, it’s all just guess work. But that hasn’t stopped people from dreaming up their perfect Grand Theft Auto 6 and what it would look like.
It’s safe to say everyone has some idea of what they’d like the next GTA to feature. And so do we.
We reckon if Rockstar really want to create a generation-defining winner, there are a few things it absolutely must include. So, here’s our GTA 6 wish list…
Multiple Cities / Locations
I suspect this tops many people’s lists of most-wanted GTA 6 features. And it has actually been rumoured for a long time.
The GTA series is well-known for its satirical reimaginings of Los Angeles (Los Santos), New York City (Liberty City), and Miami (Vice City). And multiple cities/locations has been the subject of rampant discussion and speculation when it comes to the next game.

At this point, it’s likely many fans would be disappointed if GTA 6‘s world doesn’t feature more than one setting. After years of waiting, it’s clear people want a huge world to immerse themselves in.
Let’s face it – GTA 7 is probably decades away, so GTA 6 will have to include plenty of content to keep players occupied for that time. And multiple, fully realised locations is the best way of doing that.
Of course, multiple cities also creates incredible opportunities for the game’s story. If it takes place across an array of varied and interesting locations, that will surely open the door for unique characters, cultures and more to influence the narrative.
With current-gen tech powering the game, multiple locations has never been more feasible. And it could be the feature that makes GTA 6 the series’ best instalment yet.
Multi-Protagonist Story
GTA V did something truly unique when its story was told through the eyes of not one, not two, but three protagonists. Can Rockstar ever go back from that?
Trevor, Michael, and Franklin are all some of the most memorable characters in gaming history. Getting to experience GTA V‘s incredible story as each of them provided such a unique dynamic that helped keep things fresh and engaging.

So, surely GTA 6 has to build on this formula? Whether it’s two, three, four or more characters, a multi-faceted campaign with unique main characters is an exciting prospect.
There’s already talk of the next game featuring two characters on different sides of the law. And while that’s just a rumour, it’s an example of what kind of story and experience having multiple protagonists allows.
GTA 6 could also incorporate some form of co-op here. While players can already team up in GTA Online to complete missions together, it’d be great fun for people to experience the campaign in the same way.
Seamless World
We’ve already talked about multiple locations. But how can Rockstar truly bring those locations to life? By making them seamless.
Of course, plenty of contemporary games have attempted to make their worlds as integrated as possible. Minimising loading screens is always a good thing.
However, GTA 6 should be the new standard bearer. With multiple cities, that opens up countless possibilities for explorable buildings with detailed interiors.

Sure, GTA V‘s Los Santos was incredibly impressive for the time. But lots of its buildings couldn’t be entered. GTA 6 has the chance to take things up a notch.
Making the game and its setting(s) seamless serves only to deepen immersion and help brings its world to life.
GTA Humour
We’ve all read the numerous rumours about GTA 6‘s story. And they’ve varied greatly. But one key theme has persisted.
Many believe GTA 6‘s story may take a more serious tone, with some speculating the game will focus on cartels and drug trafficking.
While that sounds cool, I sincerely hope GTA 6 doesn’t lose the series’ trademark humour. Its satirical take on American life is essential and its what fans have come to expect.
It’d be a real shame if GTA 6 didn’t make use of the decade-worth of priceless material US culture and politics has provided since 2013. I definitely want to see Rockstar’s comical take on the world in 2022.
Attention To Detail and Immersion
Red Dead Redemption II set the standard for immersion and attention to detail. Just as GTA V, Red Dead Redemption, and GTA IV did before it.
In Red Dead Redemption II, players were in awe of the meticulous focus Rockstar gave every aspect of the world. NPCs were living real lives in the game.

You could follow them going about their daily routines. Towns and cities grew, developed and changed over time. The game’s natural environment was living, breathing and true to life. It made Red Dead 2 truly remarkable.
Who could forget the infamous horse testicles meme? While it was hilarious at the time (and still is for that matter), it signified more than a funny moment. Players couldn’t believe just how much detail Red Dead Redemption II included.
And an even greater standard must be set by GTA 6. With the technological advancements of the last ten years, so much more is now possible and it has to be featured in the next Grand Theft Auto.
GTA 6 Expansion Packs and DLC
It’s safe to say fans wanted more GTA V. They wanted more Red Dead Redemption II as well. But more single player content never arrived for those games.
It was a baffling decision on Rockstar’s part. The demand was there – and people would’ve paid money for new adventures.
The company shouldn’t make that mistake again. While the focus will undoubtedly be on the new version of GTA Online, I really hope Rockstar doesn’t neglect GTA 6‘s single player component.
The game should be kept alive with fresh and exciting new content for as long as possible. It has been a source of real disappointment for gamers in recent years.
Providing expansion packs akin to The Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony, and Undead Nightmare goes a long way in building goodwill amongst fans. So, why not do it? Dedicated players should be rewarded for their loyalty – and Rockstar can do this by creating more experiences for GTA 6‘s single-player mode.
What do you want GTA 6 to include? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…