To cap off an excellent couple of months of new games, Bethesda has closed out March with the launch of Ghostwire: Tokyo. The spooky new action-adventure game from The Evil Within creators Tango Gameworks could turn out to be a surprise hit for Bethesda. And it’s fair to say that it peaked our interest with its enigmatic trailers and eye catching villain. Now we finally have our hands on the game, there’s a lot to get stuck in to. And that includes fights against its nefarious bosses. One such boss is Ko-omote – a giant cat like creature. You don’t beat her by simply landing attacks either. So, if you’re finding yourself stuck, this is how to beat Ko-omote in Ghostwire: Tokyo…
How To Beat Ko-omote in Ghostwire: Tokyo
Ko-omote is originally one of Hannya’s dark puppets. However, she is transformed into Byotara – a giant cat like Visitor. Ko-omote is Ghostwire: Tokyo‘s second boss fight. And the process to defeating her is different to Yaseotoko. The key here is stealth with the whole fight revolving around your ability to sneak up behind her. The only catch is that normal damage doesn’t affect Ko-omote.
This is how to beat Ko-omote in Ghostwire: Tokyo. Sneak around behind Ko-omote and use Quick Purge to destroy the 3 cores on her forked tail. To aid in this, you can use Thicket Talismans to hide out in the open and get the jump on her. Alternatively, as she patrols around, enter the building in the central area to get away and sneak around from behind. Also be sure to destroy the Red Ether Crystals to temporarily stun Ko-omote and sneak up for a Quick Purge.

However you decide to do it, the only way to beat Ko-omote is by destroying the cores on her tail. Conventional attacks don’t work, so don’t bother wasting your time. As with all bosses in Ghostwire: Tokyo, they’re easy once you know the trick to beating them.
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