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Fallout player confesses horrific solution to limited in-game storage

Lucas Simms in Fallout 3 and a character in power armour.

Credit: Bethesda

A Fallout player has taken to Reddit to share their grisly method of getting more storage containers – and it’s both unbelievable and stomach churning.

In a thread on r/Fallout, u/Efficient-Run-7755 asked: “What is the most heinous thing you have done in game?” Naturally, u/Efficient-Run-7755 kicked things off with their own gruesome confession about their activities in Fallout 3.

They explained: “When i played fallout 3, i had my megaton house stocked to the brim with different loot in different areas, but i didnt quite have ‘enough’ storage containers. My solution was to wait until the dead of night, pop a psycho, and stealth snipe random residents of megaton. I would proceed to strip their bodies, lug them up to my house and bring them inside and use their now headless corpse for new storage bins. I would have their corpse sitting on random chairs, leaning against walls, one was even in my bed!”

If being an in-game serial killer and hoarding bodies for storage wasn’t bad enough, OP confessed that even the town’s sheriff was a victim: “One of my storage containers was Lucas Simms himself”, they said in a comment.

It’s safe to say the Reddit community was intrigued by the story – the post has attracted 3.4K upvotes and over 700 comments at the time of writing. However, some are questioning the validity of u/Efficient-Run-7755’s claims.

One commenter said “OP you’ve dreamt up a fantasy. I implore you to try this any day today and you will find this is impossible.” Another added “To [my] knowledge I thought there was no way to take items you were dragging through area transitions”.

u/Ordinary_Fella concurred, recounting “I specifically remember a friend and I spending a ton of time dragging the dead alien from the crashed spaceship all the way back to megaton and not being able to get him through the gate.”

Despite this, OP claimed that they were able to use bodies as storage by “[lifting] them up by holding x, bringing them to the door, gently shaking the right stick so you [wouldn’t] drop them but the cursor would hover over the door, [then] simply enter the house. You would still have them and now your inside. Its not rocket science and its not fake.”

Among all the arguing, there are other confessions of in-game barbarity. Most notably, u/Blackjack137 simply wrote: “Have Cannibalism. Eat Shaun.” Now that’s messed up.

What’s the grisliest thing you have ever done in a Fallout game? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…


Joe Harby

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Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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