Elden Ring‘s rich world is packed full of things to do and places to discover. And the Lands Between has many intriguing characters – including Ranni the Witch. You first encounter Ranni the Witch (as Renna) at the Church of Elleh, where she grants the player the ability to summon spirits. The player can meet Ranni again at Three Sisters near Caria Manor in Liurnia of the Lakes. This time, she informs the player of her true identity and offers the option to serve her. This begins one of Elden Ring‘s most significant quests, which introduces notable characters including Blaidd. Blaidd is a half-wolf warrior and you must meet him at a location in Limgrave to kick off the quest line. But he’s vague about his exact location, which may leave you scratching your head. So, this is where to find Blaidd after Ranni in Elden Ring.
Where to find Blaidd after Ranni in Elden Ring
In typical Elden Ring fashion, Blaidd doesn’t make his whereabouts after meeting Ranni the Witch very obvious. However, meeting him again is essential to progress Ranni the Witch’s quest line. The good news is, you may be able to fast travel to him if you’ve already visited the area where he’s waiting for you.

This is where to find Blaidd after Ranni in Elden Ring. Blaidd can be found on the east side of the Siofra River area. He’ll be waiting for you at the edge of a cliff, not too far from the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace. You will need to locate the Siofra River Well in Mistwood if you haven’t been to Siofra River before. There will be a lift at this location which will take you underground to Siofra River.
Simply approach Blaidd and speak to him. This will begin the next phase of the Ranni the Witch’s quest line in Elden Ring. Next, you must speak to Preceptor Seluvis. He can be found in Seluvis’s Rise at Three Sisters.
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