Elden Ring is here. Its rich world packed full of things to do and places to discover. And the Lands Between has countless exciting and challenging locations – including Siofra River. This mysterious underground location is as spooky as it is beautiful. Unbelievably, it has its own night sky which is a sight to behold. But tough foes wait within the crumbling ruins. So, you must approach it with caution. As you’d expect, it also features boss encounters. One of these bosses is the Dragonkin Soldier. This humungous rotting corpse has the body of a human but the head of a dragon. It’s a fierce opponent and poses a serious threat if dealt with incorrectly. Read on to find out how to beat Dragonkin Soldier Boss in Elden Ring…
Where to find Dragonkin Soldier Boss in Elden Ring
Before you fight the Dragonkin Soldier boss, you need to track it down. You can find it resting in the highest section of the Siofra River area. The only way to reach the top level is to locate the waygate in the eastern part of Siofra River – this will teleport you there. After a brief look around you should be able to quickly spot the boss in the water – it’s hard to miss.

How to beat Dragonkin Soldier boss in Elden Ring
Now you know where the Dragonkin Solider boss is, you need to know how to defeat it. You may also be concerned about the nearest Site of Grace, but don’t worry – a Stake of Marika is nearby and you will respawn here if you die. The Dragonkin Soldier is relatively slow and the battle takes place in a huge open area. However, it has tremendous reach and incredible power.
This is how to beat Dragonkin Soldier boss in Elden Ring. Approach the sleeping giant on horseback and make sure to use a Spirit Summon before you get too close. Before it fully awakens, dash behind and get between its legs. Use this window of opportunity to get a few early hits in. Heavy attacks work best here as you’ll be able to stagger it quicker for a critical hit when it falls. Use Torrent to keep moving but try not to get too far away. This can trigger its charge attack, which is deadly but can be avoided without too much effort. Stay mobile and do your best to dodge its sweeping and reaching attacks. Dip in for quick hits during its cooldowns and occasionally go back behind and between its legs for multiple strikes.

Try not to get greedy as a sudden, unexpected movement from Dragonkin Soldier could reposition you with grave consequences. Your best bet is to use Torrent to your advantage and keep chipping away at the boss when it is safe to do so.
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