This Dead Island 2 guide details Lt. Land’s Case Key location.
Dead Island 2 has lots of zombies, obviously. But it also features many in-game keys that players must use to unlock doors and special lockboxes.
Inside these lockboxes is valuable loot and items. That means they’re well-worth your time opening. But to open them, you need to track down the zombie holding the correct key.
One such lockbox is Lt. Land’s Case. This lockbox is located in a tent in the military evacuation area of Venice Beach.
So, where do you find the key to open it? This guide details the key’s location in Dead Island 2.
Lt. Land’s Case Key location in Dead Island 2
This is where to find Lt. Land’s Case Key in Dead Island 2:
After reaching Ocean Avenue as part of the main quest, return to the military evacuation area on Venice Beach. Head to the northern part of the shoreline and you will see a boat. A zombie called “Lt. Land” is on board. Kill it and it will drop the key. Use the key to unlock the case and inside is a superior Destructive Heavy Revolver.

And that’s it – now you know how to get this special key in Dead Island 2.
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