This Dead Island 2 guide details Jamal’s Crate Key location and provides a walkthrough of the Missing: Jamal Lost & Found quest.
Dead Island 2 is here at last. And it has turned out to be a surprise treat for gamers. It’s jam-packed with zombie-slaying action and features plenty of content to keep players occupied.
That includes numerous side activities, such as opening the game’s countless lockboxes. The lockboxes require specific keys to open which are held by certain zombies in Dead Island 2.
One such lockbox is Jamal’s Stash which players will find in the Halperin Hotel district early in the game. However, figuring out how to get hold of the key to open it is making players scratch their heads.
So, which zombie do you need to kill to get the key and where is the zombie? The guide below details the key’s location.
Jamal’s Crate Key location in Dead Island 2
This is how to get Jamal’s Crate Key in Dead Island 2:
To get the key, you must complete the “Missing: Jamal” Lost & Found quest and kill the zombie Jamal. This quest can be activated by going to the Missing Person notice board in the Serling Hotel after completing the “Plumbing the Depths” main quest.

Missing: Jamal quest walkthrough (Dead Island 2)
Collect Jamal’s missing person poster from the notice board to begin the “Missing: Jamal” Lost & Found quest. Fast travel to the Halperin Hotel.
Go to the security guard hut in the parking lot. You can follow the quest markers to get there. Gain entry to the security hut by destroying the electronic panels on the outside and inside of the hut as you usually would.

Collect the Employee Vehicle Register from the filing cabinet. Review the register and note Jamal’s car license plate number – 8TGPCV7. It is a red pickup truck.

Next, head to the other security hut which is southwest of the first one. Gain entry to it by destroying the electronic security panels outside and inside the hut. Collect the “Our Fellow Security Guard” journal entry.

Lastly, follow the quest markers to Jamal’s red pickup truck. It is crashed in the crater just off Lacuna Av. A zombie called “Jamal” dressed in riot gear will be near the truck. Kill it and it will drop Jamal’s Crate Key. Use it to unlock Jamal’s Stash – inside is a rare pistol. The quest is now complete.
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