November 2023 will see the launch of Modern Warfare III. It is third instalment of the second iteration of Call of Duty’s most popular sub-series. So, if you’re thinking “ugh, more of the same”, no one would blame you. It is true that finding originality in a reality-based FPS game must be a significant challenge. But it’s obvious that fans are growing tired of reboots and sequels. With that being said, what are all the gameplay changes fans can expect in Modern Warfare III?
We’re here to tell you that, if rumours are to be believed, Modern Warfare III may genuinely mark a progressive step forwards for the franchise. But it’s going to take that step by honouring its past.
The recent Call of Duty past (and what it means for MW3)
It’s absolutely no secret that recent CoD titles have been divisive. It has seemed to many long-time fans that CoD has forgotten its roots and what made it a mainstream smash hit. This has left the community clamouring for a return to the glory years.
Decisions to move away from CoD’s traditional arcade feel to a more slow-paced, realism focussed grind have left the community feeling forgotten. The consensus of many is that these changes have been made to make the game more accessible for newer and lower-skilled players, or those with less time to play and improve.
Your view on this will, of course, depend on which side of the fence you sit. If you’re a full-on CoD sweat who has been playing since the late noughties, you may feel targeted and unfairly disadvantaged in the name of attracting new players and increasing profits.

If you’re a total noob, you’ll no doubt welcome a lower skill gap, beginner-friendly gameplay mechanics and an enhanced ability to compete in-spite of your inexperience.
I can understand both perspectives, but what is clear is that Sledgehammer Games has the opportunity to mend burnt bridges between Call of Duty and its fanbase.
Gameplay changes in Modern Warfare III
Unsurprisingly, the announcement of this year’s Call of Duty instalment has generated huge discussion and rumour-mongering on social media. It can be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, but I’m here to do just that so you don’t have to.
So far, it seems MW3 may be a hearts-and-minds-winning CoD renaissance.
Some of the key gameplay changes and returning features in Modern Warfare III are as follows:
- Launch maps remastered from 2009’s MW2.
- Map voting
- Classic mini map with red dots
- Reload cancelling
- Slide cancelling
- Tactical sprint improvements
- 150 health in multiplayer
- Modern Warfare II unlocks and rewards carry over
- Return of Ninja and Stalker perks
- War game mode from CoD: WWII
- Outbreak-style zombies made by Treyarch
These were compiled by Call of Duty leaker @TheGhostOfHope on X (Twitter) and shared widely by reputable Call of Duty news outlets.

These changes have already been greeted with a hefty dose of positivity, which is refreshing given the usual negativity surrounding CoD.
Many players were unhappy with the previous absence of features such as map voting. This allowed players to democratically determine which map the lobby would play on next.
Similarly, slide cancelling rewarded skilled players with enhanced movement speed. And a higher health pool provided players with more opportunity to use their ability to overcome difficult gunfights.
Naturally, the concern may now shift to how these changes disadvantage (and therefore discourage) new or lower-skilled players.
Whether Sledgehammer will strike an effective balance to engage players of all skill levels remains to be seen. But they seem to be listening to what the fanbase want.
What are your thoughts on these gameplay changes? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…