This guide explains how to change clan tag in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II‘s multiplayer is finally available to play. Many fans have already played Modern Warfare 2‘s Campaign via early access. But now players are keen to get stuck into the multiplayer.
Modern Warfare 2 has revamped the Call of Duty multiplayer formula in a number of ways. And some of the changes have divided the fanbase. Be it the changes to the mini-map or perk system, there’s definitely a sense that not everything is perfect in the new game.
One aspect of the game that’s receiving some criticism is its UI (user interface). The menus in Modern Warfare 2 are overly complicated, and involve lots of right scrolling and navigating through multiple screens.
This means it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for. And customising your social profile in the game is also less straightforward.

Your Call of Duty social profile includes your emblem, calling card, and clan tag. So, if you want to customise any of these you need to know where to find your social profile in the Modern Warfare 2 menus.
If you want to know how to change your clan tag in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, keep reading and check out the steps below…
How To Change Clan Tag In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
A clan tag is used to show your affiliation to a Call of Duty clan. Clans are groups of players who play the game together, whether casually or professionally.
Your clan tag is displayed inside square brackets next your online ID and is made up of a maximum of five characters. It means you can be easily identified as part of a clan.

This is how to change clan tag in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Press the Options/Menu button and select “Social”. Use R1/RB to navigate to the “Showcase” tab. Select your name at the top of the “Online Friends” list, then select “Edit Showcase”. Finally, select “Clan Tag”.
And there you have it! Once you’ve entered a clan tag, it should immediately appear next to your online ID.
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