
Call of Duty 2020 gameplay footage leaked online


Footage of the next instalment in the Call of Duty franchise has found its way onto social media. But while fans have a burning itch for more details about the yet-to-be-announced first person shooter, this latest Call of Duty leak won’t do much to scratch it.

Typically, new CoD games are announced between April and May each year. Obviously, we’re now past that window and info remains scarce. Last month, a massive update to Modern Warfare’s Warzone battle royale mode saw its mysterious bunker doors finally open. Their contents only generated more speculation, and questions were raised about how they might relate to the next title.

The upcoming game is rumoured to be another Black Ops outing, acting as a sort-of reboot for the sub-series. Expected to be set in the Cold War, many think (and hope) it’ll take Black Ops back to its roots with tone, key themes and gameplay bearing similarities to the 2010 original.

It’s important to note that the leaked footage is apparently pre-alpha. This means that while it could very well be real, it’s from an early stage in the game’s development and may not be reflective of the finished product. However, if the recording is anything to go off, fans might actually get their wish.

The footage is blurry and sloppily recorded, but appears to show a player running around a hanger and climbing on tanks. It’s short and doesn’t provide much insight into the game – but the gun featured is believed to be an assault rifle widely used in the 1970s, therefore supporting the Cold War theories.

We’re not going to share the footage here – it’s quickly being removed from social media for copyright reasons. But there may be some stray clips knocking around the internet if you’re keen to see it for yourself.

Got any thoughts about this Call of Duty leak? Let us know in the comments…

Featured Imaged Credit: Activision (fair use)


Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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