Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has, in so many ways, proved to be an enthralling, immersive and fantasy-fulfilling successor to the series’ debutant, Fallen Order. However, at launch, it didn’t come without its disturbances in the force, as we reported. Now, a new issue has left fans demanding an urgent bounty hunter bug fix.
Over 60 hours, players will have completed the story, tweaked their lightsaber design more times than is healthy, and stocked the Pyloon’s Saloon tank full of exotic fish. But one last hurdle remains in our quest for the elusive Platinum trophy. And that is the Bounty missions (sigh).
Bounty hunting bug, explained
Relatively early in the Jedi: Survivor story, you meet Caijj. She is a Koboh resident who sounds like someone trying to do an Australian accent despite having never heard an Australian accent. Caijj is a former bounty hunter who offers to reward you for taking down targets she specifies.
From here on in, you should be able to progress through these side missions, however this hasn’t been possible for many players.

This is because of a bug which prevents Caijj from supplying players with the details of their next bounty mission. Subsequently, the enemies that you need to take out never spawn. Some players were able to complete a handful of bounties before this bug materialised.
But other players, ourselves included, have never been able to access even one bounty mission. A ‘rumour’ icon is visible on the map which asks you to speak to Caijj about your next bounty hunt. And yet, when players interact with Caijj within Pyloon’s Saloon, instead of providing details of a target, she talks through arbitrary NPC lines about her history as a bounty hunter. After these lines of dialogue are exhausted, she ceases to engage with players entirely.
Understandably, this is causing frustration within the player base. This is a new element to the series that players can’t interact with, and there are trophies/achievements which rely on being able to complete Caijj’s side missions. Therefore, many players are stuck waiting on a fix so they can complete their trophy hunt. But is a fix actually on the way?
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor bounty hunter bug fix
A member of the EA Respawn team has acknowledged the existence of this bug and confirmed that work is ongoing to implement a fix. Posting to EA Answers HQ, the team member said: “Working on a fix for this to allow you to continue hunting the last bounties.”
However, this was several weeks ago – since then it has been radio silence and no further updates have been provided.
It remains to be seen if and when this bug will be patched. But if you, like us, are waiting with bated breath on a fix, keep it locked to Downtime Bros for further updates.
UPDATE (15th June 2023):
In a tweet posted via the official EA Star Wars Twitter account, EA stated that “The #StarWarsJediSurvivor team is working to deliver the next patch!”
The company said a deployment date for the patch will be shared “soon”. The patch will include fixes for bounty progression and crashes across all platforms, as well as other unspecified bug fixes and improvements.
UPDATE (20th June 2023):
EA has confirmed that Patch 6 for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be deployed today, Tuesday 20th June. It will include the following fixes and improvements:
- Various crash fixes across all platforms
- Fix for bounty hunters not spawning
- Fix for an issue where Caij would become invisible
- Fix for occasional issue where “Find the Gorge’s Secret” Rumor could not be completed
- Collision improvements
- Improved blaster handling
- Fixes for Photo Mode
- Wind puzzle on Jedha fixed
- Updates to the holomap map data
- The training dummy on Jedha was sneaking around. It has now been immobilized
- Various bug fixes & Improvements
Have you experienced this or any other Star Wars Jedi: Survivor performance issues? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…
11 June 2023 14:37 BSTThats a NZ accent there there mate. Getting that wrong is a bootable offence.
11 June 2023 14:37 BSTThis is a joke, people pay £70 plus for a game they can’t even complete along with putting up with bugs, glitches and crashing all the way through. These games getting released before 100% ready just so there money starts rolling in is wrong why not delay it one more month to make sure it’s ready for the good people who buy it and get the game they deserve and are promised A Company the size of ea should be setting examples but now there’s a problem they can’t even fix it. There should be consequences for games released with so many glitches and bugs. Other than that the game is good.
11 June 2023 14:37 BSTI’ve been patient, but now it’s getting beyond a joke..they need to fix this now.
11 June 2023 14:37 BSTThank you for telling us something we have known for a month now, and if we are suffering from the bounty hunter bug we already know how it happened, this is highly unacceptable and I will certainly be weary about buying games from this developer again.