As the pandemic slog drags on, I find myself having to think of more ways to spend my time productively. Cue Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. No, not the daft American episodes – I’m talking about the classics. The cream of the crop. That’s right – the old school UK ones that first graced our screens over 16 years ago.
In an effort to be as efficient in my viewing as possible, I searched far and wide for a ‘best-of’ guide. While I knew any episode I chose would be unlikely to disappoint, I wanted to make sure I was watching the God-tier instalments. But I couldn’t find a definitive list. That’s why I’m writing this – to help bored people like myself searching for the very best episodes of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares UK…
Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares – Series 5 Episode 6 – Fish & Anchor
In the last proper episode of the show’s original run, Gordon heads to Wales to visit the Fish & Anchor. Almost immediately, you know you’re in for a corker. Ramsay – who has already remarked that it was a shame the restaurant avoided German bombs during World War II – is greeted by owner Mike (a former boxer). Before they’ve even had chance to exchange pleasantries, Gordon exclaims “I didn’t realise you were so short!” – poor Mike.
He’s quickly introduced to Mike’s wife of 22 years – Caron. The problems are apparent from the get-go. For starters, the restaurant’s exterior is blue. Inside, it’s packed full of old sports memorabilia and plastered with yet more blue paint. And the menu is a complete mishmash of styles and flavours, further confused by recipes from celebrity chefs – including the programme’s namesake. Mike and Caron are constantly at eachother’s throats and Gordon gets into some heated conversations with the pair of them. In a personal highlight, he calls Caron ‘Shrek in a frock’ – yep. Definitely not one to miss.
Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares – Series 3 Episode 3 – Clubway 41

Owned and operated by couple Dave and Dawn, Clubway 41 was voted the Blackpool Restaurant of the Year. But the vote and selection process leaves Ramsay scratching his head. It’s obvious its ‘prestigious’ title isn’t exactly a sign of quality. This place is pretty horrendous and looks N-O-T-H-I-N-G like a restaurant of the year.
Dave handles the kitchen as its only chef, while Dawn runs front of house. And with culinary delights like salmon with strawberry and mash with nectarines on the menu, it’s anyone’s guess why the place can’t pull in the punters.
The joined greasy spoon downstairs helps keep the restaurant above water – but it’s sinking fast. Dave’s near complete lack of experience working in kitchens shows, and he can’t make even the most straightforward dishes. This leads to some hilarious arguments between Dave and Gordon.
Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares – Series 5 Episode 8 – The Granary
Ramsay stops off in Titchfield to help save this exclusive club turned pretentious restaurant (shark baked in mozzarella, anyone?). Arrogant owner Nigel opened it in the hopes of keeping its guest list limited to the rich and famous. And while its ‘star’-studded opening night definitely put it on the map, its steep membership fees and exclusivity put off the locals and forced Nige to open its doors to everyone. Unfortunately for him, this didn’t solve anything.
Gordon and Nigel are at odds from the start, with the latter convinced he’s being set up to fail. This leads to blazing rowes between the two and mid-service walk-outs. Things do start to turn around, but not without some big shake-ups and difficult conversations. To his credit, Nigel hired two teenage tearaways to work under head chef Martin. He wants to help get their lives back on track. This makes for some funny exchanges between Ramsay and the pair, and you’re left wondering what would happen to these lads if the restaurant goes under.
Ramsay’s Great British Nightmare – Episode 1 – The Runaway Girl

This episode from 2009 takes place in Sheffield at a curiously decorated Spanish tapas restaurant. Owner Justin has delusions of grandeur and runs the place as a bar, eatery and live music venue simultaneously – he clearly hopes it’ll become a popular evening hang out with big name bands, but that just isn’t happening.
He’s sunk every penny he has into it and even has his childhood best friend Richie working as head chef. Problem is, Richie hates almost everything about the place and has lost his passion for food. He recognises the restaurant’s blatant problems, and has tried to convince Justin to change things up – but he won’t listen. Tensions reach boiling point between the two, and it’s a sight to behold!
Do you agree with our list of the best episodes of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares UK? Let us know your favourite episodes in the comment section and don’t forget to check out our other Film & TV articles…