Excitement for Call of Duty is high right now. But not for the reasons you might expect. Players aren’t talking about Modern Warfare III – they’re talking about old Call of Duty games. That’s because Activision surprised everyone by fixing broken matchmaking servers on Xbox for older titles in the series, including Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops II. However, server issues haven’t been the only problem plaguing the CoD back catalogue. Players are also asking if old Call of Duty games are safe to play.
While gamers can typically expect to play multiplayer games safely, that isn’t always the case. Especially if a game suffers from significant security vulnerabilities.
These issues are more likely to impact older games than contemporary ones. That’s because of the outdated infrastructure behind them and the lack of ongoing support they receive from developers.
Over the years, concerns have been raised regarding security flaws in the multiplayer components of older Call of Duty games. Given that fans are now able to play multiplayer in classic Call of Duty games on Xbox, it’s reasonable to question whether they are secure.
As anyone who played older Call of Duty titles will know, these games were often plagued by hackers and cheaters sometimes as little as a year after their release.
With that being said, do these issues persist today and could players be vulnerable to greater security threats?
Are old Call of Duty games safe to play?
Old Call of Duty games are unsafe to play online on PC. The PC versions of Call of Duty games before Black Ops III have security issues that can leave your personal data vulnerable. Players have also reported hackers gaining remote access to their PCs while playing multiplayer.

This, of course, can have severe ramifications for players and could lead to data and files being compromised. Furthermore, Call of Duty news website CharlieIntel recently commented on “PC being [filled] with hacks and cheats”.
Similarly, console versions of the games are still impacted by cheaters and the use of exploits may spoil the gameplay experience. However, they are arguably safer than the PC versions as they are not afflicted by the same security vulnerabilities.
So, while older CoD titles are playable on Xbox thanks to their newly repaired servers, players should still expect to encounter issues with cheating. On PC, the problems are worse and players should approach these games with caution.
Have you encountered any security issues in older Call of Duty games? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…