While Call of Duty can be one of the most fun and satisfying FPS games to play, it can also be one of the most frustrating. Whether it’s the ongoing issue of cheating or the constant weapon balancing issues, it’s not uncommon for players to come away from a gaming session feeling annoyed. However, nothing is quite as vexing as the mysterious phenomenon known as “CoD timing”.
One player has taken to TikTok to share a clip of them experiencing the perfect example of CoD timing. The short video shows why exactly it is so rage-inducing.
For those who don’t know, CoD timing is when a player waits in a tactical position with their aim trained on a door or window – usually to guard an objective like in Search and Destroy – only to look away for a split second and have an enemy player appear at that moment and kill them.
What makes CoD timing so painful is that it seems inexplicable. Why does an enemy always appear at the exact moment you look away?
For those who still don’t understand what this phenomenon is and how frustrating it can be, TikTok user AnOldPotato recorded and shared their experience. “If somebody doesn’t understand the term ‘Cod Timing’ then show them this video,” they said.

In the clip, the player guards the objective in Search and Destroy with their aim on a nearby doorway for 24 seconds. They then look away for less than a second only for another player to appear, seemingly out of thing air, and kill them.
To make matters worse, there are no audible footsteps of the enemy player approaching.
AnOldPotato immediately responds to the maddening sequence of events by proclaiming that they have just experienced “CoD timing”.
People in the comments were just as perplexed. “Cod timing needs to be scientifically studied,” wrote one viewer.
Another described it as “the most cartoon thing I know it’s real but like I can’t help but wonder how is that possible every time”.
Have you had this happen to you? Can you explain it? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles.