Sifu is one tough game. And while you’re battling through it, it’s easy to miss some of its finer details. This includes one little-known feature exclusive to boss fights. At first, it seems like the only option is to finish each boss off after a punishing showdown. But that isn’t true. You can actually spare each boss, too. And there are benefits to doing so – plus it impacts the game’s story. This is how to spare bosses in Sifu and why it matters…
How to Spare Bosses in Sifu
This is how to Spare bosses in Sifu. Progress to the second phase of each boss fight. Break the boss’s Structure (the bar at the top of the screen that grows from yellow to red). You do this by parrying and attacking. Once their Structure has been broken, a prompt will appear which will trigger a takedown. Ignore it and don’t do anything. The fight will resume. Break the boss’s Structure for a second time and the ‘Spare’ option will appear onscreen. Press left on the d-pad to spare the boss.

These steps apply to every boss in Sifu and must be followed if you want to spare them. Be careful, though – when a boss’s Structure is broken DO NOT follow the takedown prompt or inflict more damage.
Sifu: Sparing bosses, secret ending and trophies
After playing through Sifu once, you’ll be able to play through it a second time for its alternate ending. Yes, you’ll have to start from the beginning and defeat each boss all over again. Only this time you must spare them. Do this for every boss and finish the game and you’ll receive the hidden ending as your prize.
Sparing each boss will also unlock their talismans and corresponding trophies, so it’s essential if you’re gunning for the platinum.
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