This is the first Helldivers 2 daily Galactic War update (23 February) intended to provide fellow democratic fighters with the latest from the front lines on the fight against the Automatons and the Terminids.
The fight continues. As our numbers grow, so too does the body count. But we keep pushing forward.
We’ve suffered a brutal loss in the last day; however, we’ve also won some commendable victories against a merciless enemy.
With 5 days remaining on our Major Order, I hope our troops can persevere over the weekend when meaningless distractions like “work” and the “school run” are out of the question. The Galactic War is all that matters.
The following Galactic War update is correct as of 23 February 2024.
Helldivers 2 – Galactic War Diary #2 – 23 February
Helldivers 2 Live Galactic War Map
The current Galactic War map appears as follows:

Fighting on the Automaton Front continues in three sectors:
- Xzar – ↓ 70.68% liberated
- Trigon – ↓ 68.42% liberated
- Severin – ↑ 1.33% liberated

The Terminid Front persists in five sectors:
- L’estrade – 0% liberated
- Sten – 0% liberated
- Mirin – >0.01% liberated
- Draco – ↑ >0.02% liberated
- Umlaut – ↑ 75% liberated

Major Order
Win at least 8 Defend Campaigns against the Automatons – Status: 4/8 50%
Yesterday, I wrote about the the desperate need for more reinforcements in the Automaton sector to aid in our defence efforts. Sadly, they never arrived and Vandalon IV fell in a crushing defeat for our forces in the Trigon sector.
Many men perished on Vandalon IV; however, their efforts will not be forgotten. We must now refocus our efforts and defend Troost from the rallying Automaton threat, which has grown stronger with this recent victory.
Democracy has prevailed on Mantes, though, where our Defence Campaign succeeded in preserving capitalism for all on the planet. Consequently, our objective to defend 8 planets is now half complete all thanks to the brave efforts of our brothers and sisters – many of whom have given their lives in the process.
There’s still five days to go in our campaign against the Automatons and we still need all the help we can get. Thankfully, technical efforts from central commend have prevailed against Automaton “Server Capacity” attacks, meaning more volunteers can join the fight.
Automaton Front
The fight continues in three sectors.
In Xzar, the bot scum has been completely eradicated on Mantes and the planet is now firmly under Super Earth control. Bot attacks are now targeting neighbouring Ingmar, which is putting up a commendable defence – our efforts there need continued focus. Draupnir is now 38% liberated as the Liberation campaign there continues. Overall, the Automatons have increased their hold on the sector to almost 30%.

Trigon has suffered a serious blow in the last 24 hours. Vandalon IV has fallen and Troost has now come under attack. Overall control of the sector has fallen to 68%. By liberty, our men and women are dying out there, and we’re struggling to hold off the enemy. We have a chance to retake Vandalon, but I fear that focussing our efforts there will only result in further losses elsewhere.
We’ve made nice gains in Severin on Malevelon Creek, despite the bloody and brutal nature of the conflict there. If we can take the planet, it will be our first step towards controlling the system.
Terminid Front
Our freedom loving forces have secured a resounding victory over the Terminids on Turing in the Umlaut sector. Helldivers completely liberated the planet in the last 24 hours and 75% of the system is now under our control. The fight there continues on Erata Prime, where almost 100,000 troops are fighting off the bugs.

Things remain unchanged in Mirin with little progress being made on Hellmire.
The same can be said for Draco, where fighting on Estanu and Crimsica has yielded little in the way of progress. Still, this should not detract from the commendable victory our boys and girls secured on Turing.
What has transpired on Vandalon IV should be etched into Helldivers across the galaxy. Should Troost fall, I fear the whole sector will be lost.
Still progress has been made on other fronts – and democracy lives to fight another day.
Prosperity. Liberty. Democracy.
SES Titan of Liberty, signing off.
How do you think the Galactic War is going in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles.