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Palworld player has created their own Victorian workhouse

Image showing Cattiva pals at work in Palworld and a Victorian workhouse

A Palworld player has shared footage of their workshop in the smash-hit survival game and it strongly resembles a Victorian workhouse – complete with strict work schedules, questionable labour practises, and corporal punishment.

TikTok user, Tasty Husband, has put their pals to work inside the “Palworld Express Headquarters” and has now given viewers a special tour of the Dickensian facility.

An hilarious yet harrowing corporate-style voice over narrates viewers through the tour of the workshop which players would definitely not find in Pokémon.

“We run various types of production all thanks to our hard-working team,” the voice over explains, as the player opts to subject their workforce to “Super Hard Working” conditions.

“Our employees are passionate and thoughtful enough to give their best performance during their 20 hour shift,” the narrator continues.

Moving outside, we get a glimpse of the mammoth facility’s exterior which includes password protected security gates. The narrator explains that Palworld Express want their employees to “have fun, work hard, and make history.”

Still from Palworld workhouse TikTok video showing pals at work
Credit: Tasty Husband | TikTok

Inside the employee entrance, pals are encouraged to leave their personal belongings in lockers before descending to the workshop floor.

Unfortunately, Palworld Express doesn’t allow their employees breaks but they can make use of the vending machine before starting work – how generous.

Down on the production line, pals are put to work as the player oversees operations from the viewing platform above.

The narrator explains that quality assessments are given throughout the day as the player hits their pals with a large stick.

It is explained that this “management strategy is necessary in order to ensure the most efficient work is being fulfilled.”

At the end of the tour, the player spots a Lamball taking a break from work. “Here at Palworld Express, we encourage our employees to avoid work negligence,” explains the voice over as the player picks up the innocent pal and takes them outside.

“Let’s ensure they receive their break early and get all of the sleep they needed,” says the narrator, as the Lamball is thrown off a cliff above the facility.

The video concludes with the slogan, “Palworld Express: Better than PokéMart.”

One viewer who, apparently, supports worker’s rights, sarcastically said that Pocket Pair will add a pal union in the next update in response to the video.

What do you think to the Palworld workhouse? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles.


Sam Harby

About Author

Sam is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. As a lifelong fan of video games, his favourites are Metal Gear Solid and The Last of Us. With years of knowledge and critical analysis under his belt, he has written hundreds of articles - including news, guides, and reviews - covering video games, movies, TV, and pop culture. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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