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Final Fantasy XVI motion blur patch on the way

Image of Clive and Jill in Final Fantasy XVI.

Credit: Square Enix

Future updates for Final Fantasy XVI will reportedly allow players to adjust and disable motion blur. This news comes as complaints about the game’s performance on PlayStation 5 are mounting. While motion blur isn’t directly tied to performance, it is used partly to conceal lower frame rates – which is something the latest Final Fantasy struggles with.

Despite this, disabling motion blur is often the preferred choice for players prone to motion sickness. This option is included in many video games, however it is absent in Final Fantasy XVI.

Thankfully, it appears motion blur controls will eventually be added. This is in response to player complaints the Final Fantasy XVI team received during the demo period.

Final Fantasy XVI motion blur patch

Producer Naoki Yoshida and the Final Fantasy XVI development team delivered a “Feedback from the Demo” presentation on 17th June. During this presentation, they confirmed they are “looking into [motion blur]” and will add “an option to adjust motion blur and a switch to turn it off completely”.

Tweet about motion blur in Final Fantasy XVI.
@Dreamboum on Twitter.

Exactly when the Final Fantasy XVI motion blur patch will arrive is unknown. However, the team is also working to address the game’s overall performance, which is likely to take precedence. They said: “Rest assured we will be releasing updates to improve performance!”.

Twitter user and video game insider @Genki_JPN reported that these updates will help resolve frame rate issues. Yoshida said frame rate drops are most common “when there is a lot of characters such as towns.”

How to disable motion blur in FF16

There is currently no way to disable motion blur in Final Fantasy XVI.

The best option players have to reduce the effect of motion blur is to change the game’s performance mode. You can do this by going to the main menu’s “System” tab. From there, go to “Graphics Settings” and switch “Game Performance” from “Graphics” to “Frame Rate”.

Image showing Final Fantasy XVI game performance options.
Select “Frame Rate” mode.

It should be noted that this will not eliminate motion blur entirely. It will remain in the game until an update allowing its deactivation is released.

We’ll be sure to update this article when we learn more.

Do you want to disable motion blur? Let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our other gaming articles…


Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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