Game Guides Games

Dead Island 2: Cable Guy’s Van Key location

Image showing the Cable Van Trunk in Dead Island 2.

This Dead Island 2 guide details the Cable Guy’s Van Key location.

It’s here at last. Fans finally have their hands on Dead Island 2 after a seriously long wait. And it’s safe to say the game was a pleasant surprise.

Aside from the zombie-killing madness, players will spend a lot of time in Dead Island 2 trying to open the game’s various lockboxes.

These lockboxes contain valuable loot, so are well-worth opening. But there’s a catch. You need to find the zombies corresponding with the lockboxes to get your hands on the right keys.

One example of this is the Cable Van Trunk, which, of course, requires a key to unlock.

Check out the guide below detailing the Cable Guy’s Van Key location in Dead Island 2.

Cable Guy’s Van Key location in Dead Island 2

This is where to find the Cable Guy’s Van Key in Dead Island 2:

The key is being held by a zombie called “The Cable Guy”. This zombie can be found outside Curtis’ mansion on Alpine Drive. Kill it and it will drop the Cable Guy’s Van Key. Use the key to unlock the van trunk. Inside is the rare Electrocutor Tire Iron weapon.

Image showing the Cable Guy zombie in Dead Island 2 which corresponds with the Cable Guy's Van Key location.
The Cable Guy zombie.

If the Cable Guy zombie isn’t there when you go to look for it, try revisiting the area at night during “The Chosen One” main quest while you have the “Head back to Emma’s with the news” objective active.

The Cable Guys Van Key location on the floor on Alpine Drive in Dead Island 2.
The key.

And there you have it! Now you know how to unlock the Cable Van Trunk.

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Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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