Game Guides Games

Genshin Impact: What is a Test Run event?

Image showing gameplay during a Test Run Trial event in Genshin Impact.

A Trial in-progress.

This guide explains what a Test Run event is in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact is a hugely successful action role-playing game. It’s available on multiple platforms – from PS5 to iOS – and features cross-progression. But there’s a lot that new players need to learn in Genshin Impact.

One key aspect of the game is Events. But figuring out exactly what Events include and involve can be confusing at first.

So, what’s the deal with Test Runs and are they worth completing?

What is a Test Run event in Genshin Impact?

This is what a Test Run event is in Genshin Impact:

A Test Run is a recurring Character Trial event. They provide players with an opportunity to test new characters while completing challenges in Domains for rewards. Trial characters are set at a specific level and come with pre-selected weapons. Players can’t change or customise the trial characters in any way.

Screenshot showing a Test Run event in Genshin Impact.
Example of a Test Run event.

Test Runs operate for the duration of the current Character Event Wish. Each character available in the Character Event Wish is testable in the test event. Rewards are only given after the first completion of a Test Run challenge. However, they are repeatable if you want to experience further gameplay with a certain character.

Test Run events have limitations and rules:

  1. During the character trial event “Test Run,” you can use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out.
  2. The trial characters will have a fixed level and will come with a set of weapons and artefacts. The lineup and characters’ equipped weapons and artefacts cannot be changed.
  3. Additional Elemental Orbs will drop during trial event challenges to facilitate the testing of the trial characters’ Elemental Bursts.
  4. Once the stage challenge is complete, you may collect your rewards upon exiting the stage or stay within the stage to continue trying the characters out.
  5. The trial stage can be repeated, but its challenge completion rewards may only be collected once.
  6. Some in-game functions may be disable or only partially displayed during trial stages.
Screenshot showing a Character Event Wish in Genshin Impact.
Example of a Character Event Wish.

Available Events are viewable by going to the Paimon (pause) menu and selecting “Events”. If you’d like to view the latest available Character Event Wish, go to the Paimon (pause) menu and select “Wish”.

Navigate through the tabs until you find “Character Event Wish”.

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Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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