Call of Duty Guides Game Guides Games

DMZ Salvager mission guide: Contraband Package locations

Key art for Call of Duty Warzone DMZ Season 2

Credit: Activision

This guide explains where to find the Contraband Packages in Call of Duty: Warzone DMZ Salvager mission.

Salvager is one of a handful of missions in DMZ that requires players to visit both Al Mazrah and Ashika Island.

It is a Tier 2 Story mission for the Crown faction. As part of the mission, players must find contraband packages.

Screenshot showing the mission description for Salvager in DMZ.
Salvager mission description

Salvager consists of two main objectives. Firstly, you must deploy into Al Mazrah and retrieve three contraband packages from sunken ships.

Once you’ve successfully extracted from Al Mazrah, it’s time to head to Ashika Island. There are two contraband packages to collect there, too.

Contraband Package locations – DMZ Salvager mission guide

Al Mazrah Contraband Package #1

Screenshot showing the map location of the contraband package in Salvager mission in DMZ.

To find the first contraband package, head to the partially submerged ship located in Sawah Village. It can be found at map coordinates ‘D8’.

Interior of the ship containing the Sawah Village contraband package.

Once inside the ship, climb up into its second level. The contraband package can be found towards to centre sat on a small metal table.

Screenshot of the location of the contraband package.
The contraband package can be found here.

Al Mazrah Contraband Package #2

Screenshot showing the map location of the contraband package in Salvager mission.

The second contraband package is on the partially sunken ship located directly south of Al Samman Cemetary at map coordinates ‘D8’. It is South East of the Sawah Village ship.

Screenshot showing an entrance to the ship in Salvager.

Once onboard the ship, head to the front and go through the entrance on the left-hand side. There is a doorway immediately to your right, go through it and the contraband package can be found on the floor underneath two desks.

Screenshot showing the contraband package on the floor.

Al Mazrah Contraband Package #3

Map location of contraband package in Salvager mission.

The third and final contraband package in Al Mazrah is a bit trickier to reach. That’s because the ship it’s on is fully underwater.

From the previous ship, briefly travel southeast to map coordinates ‘E8’. We recommend bringing a boat of your own.

You won’t be able to see the ship from the surface, so you may need to dive underwater a few times to spot it.

Screenshot of the contraband package on the ship.

Once you’re in position, swim straight down. The contraband package is located on the outside of the ship. Quickly collect the package and swim back up. Don’t delay while doing this – you can easily drown here and it may be impossible for your squad to safely revive you if your body sinks to the bottom.

Now you’ve collected all three packages, you must extract from Al Mazrah in order to complete the objective.

Ashika Island Contraband Package #1 and #2 (DMZ Salvager Mission)

Thankfully, the contraband packages on Ashika Island are closer together and easier to find.

Head to the POI labelled ‘Shipwreck’ on the eastern coast of the map. There are two wrecked boats here.

On the southern boat, the contraband package can be found here:

Screenshot showing the location of the Ashika Island contraband in DMZ Salvager mission.
Screenshot showing the location of the Ashika Island contraband in DMZ Salvager mission.

On the northern boat, the contraband package can be found here:

Screenshot showing the location of the second Ashika Island contraband package in DMZ Salvager mission.
Screenshot showing the location of the second Ashika Island contraband package in DMZ Salvager mission.

Once you’ve collected both packages, it’s time to head for the exfil. You must collect them both in the same deployment to complete the objective.

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Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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